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The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Ranked Meta - Last Week

Immortal Ranked stats for the past 7 days, data provided by Stratz.com

Rampages total: 3757

Guardian Greaves
: 92.71
: 27613
: 2.35%
: 27:49
: 0.00%
: 22:24 - 34:00
: 66.60%
: +17.00%
: 66.12% (-0.48%)
: 67.68% (+1.08%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
8079871188 - witch_doctorWitch Doctor12:5218:08
8070442117 - undyingUndying10:4216:51
8073552858 - omniknightOmniknight13:1715:57
8078460779 - jakiroJakiro14:2415:40
8078217826 - ogre_magiOgre Magi15:3015:37
8075139866 - venomancerVenomancer09:3015:19
8079875333 - oracleOracle16:0314:57
8078904603 - dazzleDazzle15:2914:50
8076401795 - ringmasterRingmaster15:2014:40
8072294312 - abaddonAbaddon15:5014:25