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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Road to TI12 Group Stage - Day 3 - Seeding Decider


Average wards placed per game by Dire: 20.2222

Most impactful items
Explain this to me
In the items component you may see various items stats. Overview shows top of the most impactful items (in general and for a specific hero) based on their effect on winrate, compared to games when the item wasn't purchased, with the highest positive and negative impacts respectively. Notable timings section shows earliest purchase timings for item-hero pairs with the highest winrate gradient per minute.


Item Pickups Winrate When picked
arcane_bootsArcane Boots21100.00%+60.98%
cycloneEul's Scepter of Divinity10100.00%+54.76%
aether_lensAether Lens11100.00%+54.76%
refresherRefresher Orb6100.00%+54.65%
yasha_and_kayaYasha and Kaya5100.00%+53.49%
wind_wakerWind Waker4100.00%+52.33%
armletArmlet of Mordiggian6100.00%+51.76%
Item Pickups Winrate When picked
skadiEye of Skadi50.00%-50.00%
shivas_guardShiva's Guard40.00%-50.00%
hand_of_midasHand of Midas2040.00%-3.21%
spirit_vesselSpirit Vessel650.00%-1.19%
travel_bootsBoots of Travel950.00%0.00%
urn_of_shadowsUrn of Shadows950.00%+0.60%
hurricane_pikeHurricane Pike850.00%+1.19%
kaya_and_sangeKaya and Sange850.00%+1.19%

For heroes

Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
skeleton_kingassaultAssault Cuirass3100.0%+100.0%
chaos_knightpower_treadsPower Treads4100.0%+100.0%
tuskblinkBlink Dagger3100.0%+100.0%
phoenixtranquil_bootsTranquil Boots4100.0%+100.0%
phoenixaghanims_shardAghanim's Shard4100.0%+100.0%
Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked

Most notable timings records

HeroItemPickupsWinrateGradient (%/min)MedianGames with the best timings
phoenixPhoenixtranquil_bootsTranquil Boots450.00%-26.67%07:037382271393 - TLN ⚔ GG - Series 1 - Game 1 - (04:15)
tuskTuskblinkBlink Dagger333.33%-12.35%20:407382316646 - TLN ⚔ GG - Series 1 - Game 2 - (15:25)
skeleton_kingWraith KingassaultAssault Cuirass366.67%-3.42%31:447382126763 - TSM ⚔ VP - Series 1 - Game 2 - (26:22)