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Spectral Wrapped 2024

TI12 Playoff - Day 3 - Lower Bracket


Average creeps kills per game by Radiant: 1726.6667

Most impactful items
Explain this to me
In the items component you may see various items stats. Overview shows top of the most impactful items (in general and for a specific hero) based on their effect on winrate, compared to games when the item wasn't purchased, with the highest positive and negative impacts respectively. Notable timings section shows earliest purchase timings for item-hero pairs with the highest winrate gradient per minute.


Item Pickups Winrate When picked
aghanims_shardAghanim's Shard3888.89%+60.49%
sheepstickScythe of Vyse13100.00%+57.14%
refresherRefresher Orb11100.00%+55.81%
dragon_lanceDragon Lance10100.00%+54.76%
ultimate_scepter_2Aghanim's Blessing8100.00%+54.12%
tranquil_bootsTranquil Boots8100.00%+54.12%
blade_mailBlade Mail8100.00%+53.57%
orchidOrchid Malevolence6100.00%+52.87%
invis_swordShadow Blade10100.00%+52.38%
Item Pickups Winrate When picked
mask_of_madnessMask of Madness40.00%-51.16%
sphereLinken's Sphere1940.00%-4.71%
medallion_of_courageMedallion of Courage750.00%-1.81%
solar_crestSolar Crest750.00%-1.81%
cycloneEul's Scepter of Divinity850.00%-0.60%
pipePipe of Insight650.00%-0.59%
hand_of_midasHand of Midas2240.00%-0.24%
witch_bladeWitch Blade650.00%+0.59%
spirit_vesselSpirit Vessel750.00%+1.19%
urn_of_shadowsUrn of Shadows850.00%+1.81%

For heroes

Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
dark_willowcycloneEul's Scepter of Divinity4100.0%+100.0%
Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked

Most notable timings records

HeroItemPickupsWinrateGradient (%/min)MedianGames with the best timings
dark_willowDark WillowcycloneEul's Scepter of Divinity450.00%-18.87%22:377394936686 - VKS ⚔ BetBoom - Series 1 - Game 2 - (17:55)