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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Dota Pro Circuit 2023 Summer Tour

All regional leagues and Bali Major 2023

Matches without detailed analysis: 3

: 652 (171 Picks, 481 Bans)
: 45.56%
: Core Safelane
: 6.89
: 3.89
: 8.43
: 1.03
: 616.3
: 696.6
: 0.323
: 636.5
: 101.4
: 516.0
: 4.33
: 1.05
: 55.5
: 8.85
: 39:56
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters

Basic item build

Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

7234007802 - Liquid ⚔ Tundra - Series 4 - Game 1 - Liquid.m1CKe - Core SafelaneRadiantbloodseekerwindrunnerleshracwispshreddersniperenchantressdoom_bringerursarubickWon43:08
7232833846 - Tundra ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 2 - Tundra.skiter - Core SafelaneRadiantbloodseekerbatriderspirit_breakertechiesarc_wardenjuggernautwindrunnerlionenchantressbroodmotherLost34:22
7232498660 - Liquid ⚔ 9Pandas - Series 1 - Game 2 - Liquid.m1CKe - Core SafelaneRadiantbloodseekertinydeath_prophetsilencervisagemorphlingtemplar_assassindark_seerspirit_breakerrubickWon23:22
7231736314 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 3 - Game 2 - GG.dyrachyo - Core SafelaneRadiantbloodseekerqueenofpainpugnadoom_bringersnapfirejuggernauttinyshadow_demonrubickshredderLost28:47
7231514394 - Liquid ⚔ Tundra - Series 3 - Game 2 - Liquid.m1CKe - Core SafelaneRadiantbloodseekernecrolytepugnaundyingember_spirittinydark_seerbroodmothermeepovisageLost46:10
Kills7174483211 - B8 ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 30B8.StoneBank -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #37224728114 - TSpirit ⚔ BLR - Series 1 - Game 1 - 2,226TSpirit.Yatoro雨 -
Rampage with highest team networth difference #37234007802 - Liquid ⚔ Tundra - Series 4 - Game 1 - 34,635Liquid.m1CKe -
Kills (North America)7174483211 - B8 ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 30B8.StoneBank -
KDA with 0 deaths #4 (North America)7187909458 - SKG ⚔ ALPHA - Series 2 - Game 2 - 29ALPHA.Argius -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #3 (Asia)7195625923 - VSG ⚔ MAG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 18,619VSG.Mercury- -
Rampage with highest team networth difference #2 (Asia)7195625923 - VSG ⚔ MAG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 18,619VSG.Mercury- -
Networth (China)7207784284 - iG.V ⚔ HG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 60,172HG.Summer -
Last hits #4 (China)7207784284 - iG.V ⚔ HG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 928HG.Summer -
Creeps denied #4 (China)7175219293 - Aster ⚔ XG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 36Aster.Monet -
Damage to heroes #2 (China)7207784284 - iG.V ⚔ HG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 89,151HG.Summer -
Deaths #6 (region299)7220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 16GG.dyrachyo -
Damage to heroes #6 (region299)7220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 93,985GG.dyrachyo -
Damage taken from heroes #5 (region299)7220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 107,235GG.dyrachyo -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference (region299)7224728114 - TSpirit ⚔ BLR - Series 1 - Game 1 - 2,226TSpirit.Yatoro雨 -
Rampage with highest team networth difference (region299)7234007802 - Liquid ⚔ Tundra - Series 4 - Game 1 - 34,635Liquid.m1CKe -
KDA with 0 deaths #3 (Eastern Europe)7167761620 - TSpirit ⚔ UALEIKUM - Series 1 - Game 1 - 32UALEIKUM.Palantimos -
Map pings (Eastern Europe)7201396530 - CC ⚔ NAVIj - Series 1 - Game 2 - 275NAVIj.gotthejuice -
basher Skull Basher7171119193 - EG ⚔ Infinity - Series 1 - Game 2 - 21:33Infinity.Adrian < -
blink Blink Dagger7197781999 - NT ⚔ CDUB - Series 1 - Game 2 - 23:41CDUB.Double King -
manta Manta Style7187909458 - SKG ⚔ ALPHA - Series 2 - Game 2 - 15:41ALPHA.Argius -
aghanims_shard Aghanim's Shard7231736314 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 3 - Game 2 - 19:22GG.dyrachyo -
sange Sange7177534609 - SR ⚔ felt - Series 1 - Game 1 - 14:11SR.天鸽 -
black_king_bar Black King Bar7167761620 - TSpirit ⚔ UALEIKUM - Series 1 - Game 1 - 15:03UALEIKUM.Palantimos -
yasha Yasha7177534609 - SR ⚔ felt - Series 1 - Game 1 - 11:39SR.天鸽 -
ultimate_scepter Aghanim's Scepter7171904083 - Liquid ⚔ OG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 21:22Liquid.m1CKe -
phase_boots Phase Boots7165822543 - BLEED ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 1 - 03:30TLN.23 -
sphere Linken's Sphere7196661864 - Ravens ⚔ GRIN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 17:17ALPHA.Argius -
maelstrom Maelstrom7183346426 - SR ⚔ nouns - Series 1 - Game 1 - 08:20SR.天鸽 -
mjollnir Mjollnir7232498660 - Liquid ⚔ 9Pandas - Series 1 - Game 2 - 13:22Liquid.m1CKe -
Highest averages
Kills #3 (China)9.27
Creeps denied #2 (China)17.73
Hero Damage / min #4 (China)793.41
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Core Safelane15490.06%46.75%Matches
Core Offlane148.19%35.71%Matches
Core Midlane10.58%0.00%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal71.53%20.14%29100.00%44.83%Link
North AmericaCore Safelane19.44%19.44%2896.55%46.43%Link
North AmericaCore Offlane0.69%0.69%13.45%0.00%Link
AsiaCore Safelane18.88%18.88%2790.00%44.44%Link
AsiaCore Midlane0.70%0.70%13.33%0.00%Link
AsiaCore Offlane1.40%1.40%26.67%0.00%Link
South AmericaTotal56.82%10.61%14100.00%28.57%Link
South AmericaCore Safelane9.85%9.85%1392.86%30.77%Link
South AmericaCore Offlane0.76%0.76%17.14%0.00%Link
ChinaCore Safelane7.59%7.59%1173.33%63.64%Link
ChinaCore Offlane1.38%1.38%213.33%50.00%Link
region299Core Safelane15.50%15.50%31100.00%54.84%Link
Western EuropeTotal67.81%17.81%26100.00%46.15%Link
Western EuropeCore Safelane14.38%14.38%2180.77%47.62%Link
Western EuropeCore Offlane3.42%3.42%519.23%40.00%Link
Eastern EuropeTotal75.18%18.98%26100.00%42.31%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Safelane16.79%16.79%2388.46%39.13%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Offlane2.19%2.19%311.54%66.67%Link


PSG.LGDPSG.LGD (PSG.LGD)152100.00%0.31%1376.92%1.99%
Natus VincereNatus Vincere (NAVI)500.00%0.00%5100.00%0.77%
Shopify RebellionShopify Rebellion (SR)16450.00%0.61%1291.67%1.84%
Team LiquidTeam Liquid (Liquid)141060.00%1.53%425.00%0.61%
AllianceAlliance (Alliance)300.00%0.00%333.33%0.46%
VisionVision (VSG)7425.00%0.61%30.00%0.46%
Vivo Keyd StarsVivo Keyd Stars (VKS)61100.00%0.15%5100.00%0.77%
Team SecretTeam Secret (Secret)3250.00%0.31%10.00%0.15%
OGOG (OG)600.00%0.00%616.67%0.92%
iG.VitalityiG.Vitality (iG.V)3250.00%0.31%1100.00%0.15%
NoPing EsportsNoPing Esports (NOPING)600.00%0.00%616.67%0.92%
LEVEL UPLEVEL UP (lvlUP)7333.33%0.46%4100.00%0.61%
Nemiga GamingNemiga Gaming (Nemiga)1610.00%0.15%1546.67%2.30%
Team AsterTeam Aster (Aster)9650.00%0.92%366.67%0.46%
HokoriHokori (Hokori)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.15%
Team SpiritTeam Spirit (TSpirit)14875.00%1.23%650.00%0.92%
MonaspaMonaspa (MonaspA)510.00%0.15%450.00%0.61%
Big brainBig brain (Bb)400.00%0.00%450.00%0.61%
Thunder AwakenThunder Awaken (THUNDER)800.00%0.00%862.50%1.23%
9Pandas9Pandas (9Pandas)10333.33%0.46%757.14%1.07%
Aster.AriesAster.Aries (Aries)300.00%0.00%30.00%0.46%
Nigma GalaxyNigma Galaxy (NGX)3366.67%0.46%00.00%0.00%
TiltedBoysTiltedBoys (TB)1230.00%0.46%933.33%1.38%
SAND KING GÓMEZSAND KING GÓMEZ (SKG)410.00%0.15%30.00%0.46%
BOOM EsportsBOOM Esports (BOOM)810.00%0.15%742.86%1.07%
Infamous GamingInfamous Gaming (INF)610.00%0.15%520.00%0.77%
Geek SlateGeek Slate (GS)41100.00%0.15%333.33%0.46%
The CutThe Cut (TC)4366.67%0.46%10.00%0.15%
BLEEDBLEED (BLEED )710.00%0.15%666.67%0.92%
RavensRavens (Ravens)71100.00%0.15%6100.00%0.92%
Team SMGTeam SMG (SMG)7650.00%0.92%10.00%0.15%
ExecrationExecration (XctN)15250.00%0.31%1353.85%1.99%
beastcoastbeastcoast (bc)41100.00%0.15%333.33%0.46%
Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses (EG)800.00%0.00%850.00%1.23%
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team (BetBoom)13875.00%1.23%580.00%0.77%
TSMTSM (TSM)500.00%0.00%5100.00%0.77%
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming (XG)600.00%0.00%650.00%0.92%
Army Geniuses Mansion Army Geniuses Mansion (AGM)310.00%0.15%250.00%0.31%
Old GOld G (Old.G)300.00%0.00%30.00%0.46%
feltfelt (felt)61100.00%0.15%580.00%0.77%
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports (Tundra)191060.00%1.53%966.67%1.38%
IVYIVY (IVY)400.00%0.00%475.00%0.61%
Neon EsportsNeon Esports (neon)920.00%0.31%785.71%1.07%
InfinityInfinity (Infinity)320.00%0.31%10.00%0.15%
B8B8 (B8)530.00%0.46%20.00%0.31%
One MoveOne Move (Move)1200.00%0.00%1225.00%1.84%
ITB.ShuffleITB.Shuffle (ITB)600.00%0.00%666.67%0.92%
GRIN EsportsGRIN Esports (GRIN)1210.00%0.15%1127.27%1.69%
Polaris EsportsPolaris Esports (Polaris)600.00%0.00%650.00%0.92%
cybercatscybercats (CC)21100.00%0.15%1100.00%0.15%
UD VESSUWANUD VESSUWAN (UDV)920.00%0.31%742.86%1.07%
Azure RayAzure Ray (AR)71100.00%0.15%616.67%0.92%
Team DisillusionTeam Disillusion (TD)4250.00%0.31%20.00%0.31%
HYDRAHYDRA (HYDRA)600.00%0.00%633.33%0.92%
D1 HustlersD1 Hustlers (D1H)600.00%0.00%616.67%0.92%
TalonTalon (TLN)6250.00%0.31%4100.00%0.61%
MoneymakersMoneymakers (MM)5250.00%0.31%366.67%0.46%
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators (GG)19650.00%0.92%1369.23%1.99%
DogChampDogChamp (Dog)8250.00%0.31%650.00%0.92%
EntityEntity (Entity)1120.00%0.31%955.56%1.38%
WildcardWildcard (WC)400.00%0.00%450.00%0.61%
Nexus TitansNexus Titans (NT)620.00%0.31%425.00%0.61%
Blacklist Rivalry Blacklist Rivalry (BLR)15425.00%0.61%1172.73%1.69%
noMERCYnoMERCY (noMERCY)600.00%0.00%616.67%0.92%
CDUB EsportsCDUB Esports (CDUB)5475.00%0.61%10.00%0.15%
Ancient TribeAncient Tribe (ATT)610.00%0.15%560.00%0.77%
QhaliQhali (Qhali)420.00%0.31%20.00%0.31%
Virtus.proVirtus.pro (VP)71100.00%0.15%666.67%0.92%
nounsnouns (nouns)112100.00%0.31%955.56%1.38%
XerxiaXerxia (Xerxia)410.00%0.15%30.00%0.46%
Lava Esports Lava Esports (Lava)41100.00%0.15%366.67%0.46%
Mad Kings EsportsMad Kings Esports (MK)7425.00%0.61%366.67%0.46%
ALPHAALPHA (ALPHA)5333.33%0.46%20.00%0.31%
MatreshkaMatreshka (MT)600.00%0.00%633.33%0.92%
Balrogs  Esports™ Balrogs Esports™ (Balrogs™)500.00%0.00%50.00%0.77%
SPAWN TeamSPAWN Team (SPAWN)1000.00%0.00%1050.00%1.53%
Quest EsportsQuest Esports (Quest)1100.00%0.00%1163.64%1.69%
SupernovaSupernova (Nova)410.00%0.15%333.33%0.46%
Myth Avenue GamingMyth Avenue Gaming (MAG)600.00%0.00%650.00%0.92%
StoRmStoRm (StoRm)330.00%0.46%00.00%0.00%
x5 Gamingx5 Gaming (x5)400.00%0.00%425.00%0.61%
Team SexyTeam Sexy (Sexy)500.00%0.00%560.00%0.77%
IHCIHC (IHC)5580.00%0.77%00.00%0.00%
NAVI JuniorNAVI Junior (NAVIj)620.00%0.31%450.00%0.61%
Piggy KillerPiggy Killer (PK)500.00%0.00%520.00%0.77%
Team BrightTeam Bright (Bright)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.31%
Holy GrailHoly Grail (HG)4333.33%0.46%10.00%0.15%
Universitario eSportsUniversitario eSports ([U])400.00%0.00%475.00%0.61%
LimitLimit (LMG)61100.00%0.15%50.00%0.77%
Los moticucosLos moticucos (PARK)420.00%0.31%250.00%0.31%
The last darkThe last dark (TLD)71100.00%0.15%666.67%0.92%
Team ZeroTeam Zero (Tz)800.00%0.00%875.00%1.23%
kefteme.mp3kefteme.mp3 (KFT)530.00%0.46%20.00%0.31%
American goonsAmerican goons (USA)6250.00%0.31%475.00%0.61%


CDUB.Double King - 475.00%0.61%
BetBoom.Nightfall - 875.00%1.23%
Aster.Monet - 560.00%0.77%
VP.Kiritych~ - 1100.00%0.15%
StoRm.krylatkrlt - 30.00%0.46%
TC.Scourge McDuck - 366.67%0.46%
Secret.Crystallis - 250.00%0.31%
SR.天鸽 - 450.00%0.61%
MM.Lukas - 250.00%0.31%
SMG.CDR - 560.00%0.77%
BLR.Raven^ - 333.33%0.46%
MK.DaaD- - 425.00%0.61%
Liquid.zai - 1100.00%0.15%
B8.StoneBank - 30.00%0.46%
9Pandas.RAMZES666 - 333.33%0.46%
Liquid.m1CKe - 955.56%1.38%
TSpirit.Yatoro雨 - 771.43%1.07%
Infinity.Adrian < - 20.00%0.31%
ALPHA.Blessed kid - 10.00%0.15%
TSpirit.Collapse - 1100.00%0.15%
GG.dyrachyo - 650.00%0.92%
Tundra.skiter - 1060.00%1.53%
XctN.Palos - 250.00%0.31%
UALEIKUM.Palantimos - 425.00%0.61%
SKG.Leônidas - 10.00%0.15%
felt.HitinmunE - 1100.00%0.15%
Qhali.drakesh1t 吉幸 - 10.00%0.15%
neon.Raging-_-Potato - 10.00%0.15%
PARK.JimPark - 10.00%0.15%
ATT.lil pleb - 10.00%0.15%
PARK.twitch.tv/madaroidsixsixsix - 10.00%0.15%
GS.Ulnit - 1100.00%0.15%
lvlUP.Daxao - 333.33%0.46%
MonaspA.Skylark - 10.00%0.15%
KFT.Nesfeer - 20.00%0.31%
USA.boris - 250.00%0.31%
Nova.惊魂chen - 10.00%0.15%
NAVIj.gotthejuice - 20.00%0.31%
NT.Kiritsugu' - 10.00%0.15%
HG.Summer - 333.33%0.46%
Qhali.Cucahook - 10.00%0.15%
iG.V.ukiyo - 250.00%0.31%
GRIN.-SouL - 10.00%0.15%
TB.Ferte - 30.00%0.46%
NGX.Yuma - 366.67%0.46%
VSG.Mercury- - 425.00%0.61%
PSG.LGD.shiro - 2100.00%0.31%
Nemiga.v1olent` - 10.00%0.15%
TLN.23 - 250.00%0.31%
BLEED .JACKKY - 10.00%0.15%
SMG.MidOne - 10.00%0.15%
K1 tqmD - 1100.00%0.15%
Entity.Tobi - 10.00%0.15%
Entity.医者watson` - 10.00%0.15%
AGM.在你的梦里丶 - 10.00%0.15%
Dog.dnm - 250.00%0.31%
BLR.kpii - 10.00%0.15%
nouns.Yamsun - 2100.00%0.31%
BOOM.Natsumi - 10.00%0.15%
INF.mini - 10.00%0.15%
Xerxia.YoungGod - 10.00%0.15%
Aster.Xxs - 10.00%0.15%
ALPHA.Argius - 366.67%0.46%
Killa - 1100.00%0.15%
TD.L'enfer, c'est les autres - 250.00%0.31%
KFT.klassnokruto - 10.00%0.15%
UDV.KNP - 20.00%0.31%
IHC.423 - 580.00%0.77%
CC.DkFogas - 1100.00%0.15%
neon.FortuneSoul - 10.00%0.15%
Lava.payk - 1100.00%0.15%
TLD. YSR-04E - 1100.00%0.15%
NT.Zore - 10.00%0.15%
VKS.Costabile - 1100.00%0.15%
AR.Lou - 1100.00%0.15%