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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Dota Pro Circuit 2023 Summer Tour

All regional leagues and Bali Major 2023

Heroes picked: 123

: 753 (247 Picks, 506 Bans)
: 53.47%
: Core Offlane
: 7.88
: 3.71
: 8.24
: 1.14
: 595.1
: 681.6
: 4.41
: 680.8
: 46.9
: 692.6
: 6.89
: 1.22
: 59.9
: 8.18
: 38:56
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters

Basic item build

Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

7234394896 - Liquid ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 2 - GG.Ace ♠ - Core OfflaneDirelionundyingshredderterrorbladepangolierleshracdark_seerrubickwispprimal_beastLost54:20
7234263112 - Liquid ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 1 - GG.Quinn - Core MidlaneRadiantdark_seerdisruptorshreddertechiesterrorbladejuggernautlichbroodmotherbatriderember_spiritWon48:08
7234063473 - Liquid ⚔ Tundra - Series 4 - Game 2 - Tundra.33 - Core OfflaneRadiantmiranazuusdragon_knightbatridershreddernevermorestorm_spiritenigmarattletrapsilencerLost45:58
7234007802 - Liquid ⚔ Tundra - Series 4 - Game 1 - Liquid.zai - Core OfflaneRadiantbloodseekerwindrunnerleshracwispshreddersniperenchantressdoom_bringerursarubickWon43:08
7232728474 - Tundra ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 1 - GG.Quinn - Core MidlaneRadiantfaceless_voidbroodmotherbatriderrubickshreddersventinytidehunterpugnasnapfireWon41:53
Kills #37155389773 - SMG ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 25SMG.Masaros -
Gold Earned #57220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 69,503GG.Quinn -
Last hits #37220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 1,362GG.Quinn -
Damage taken from heroes7220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 140,723GG.Quinn -
Rampage with lowest networth difference in a losing match7234394896 - Liquid ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 2 - 7,006GG.Ace ♠ -
Rampage with highest networth difference in a losing match #37196148239 - NGX ⚔ IVY - Series 1 - Game 1 - 14,448NGX.mc -
Rampage with highest networth difference in a losing match #47234394896 - Liquid ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 2 - 7,006GG.Ace ♠ -
Last hits #4 (North America)7193467352 - TC ⚔ CDUB - Series 1 - Game 1 - 849TC.MTD -
Damage to heroes #3 (North America)7193467352 - TC ⚔ CDUB - Series 1 - Game 1 - 87,294TC.MTD -
Damage taken from heroes #3 (North America)7183346426 - SR ⚔ nouns - Series 1 - Game 1 - 67,592nouns.Gunnar -
Damage taken from heroes #5 (North America)7197937262 - TC ⚔ USA - Series 1 - Game 2 - 61,667USA.Lil_Nick -
Kills (Asia)7155389773 - SMG ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 25SMG.Masaros -
Damage to heroes #3 (Asia)7155389773 - SMG ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 102,018SMG.Masaros -
Hero Damage / min #6 (Asia)7155389773 - SMG ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 1,499.53SMG.Masaros -
Damage taken from heroes #5 (Asia)7155389773 - SMG ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 82,550SMG.Masaros -
KDA with 0 deaths #4 (South America)7188937341 - Qhali ⚔ [U] - Series 1 - Game 1 - 27[U].James- -
Damage to heroes (South America)7199249547 - [U] ⚔ PARK - Series 1 - Game 3 - 84,118PARK.lalatronii < -
Damage taken from heroes #5 (South America)7199249547 - [U] ⚔ PARK - Series 1 - Game 3 - 60,554PARK.lalatronii < -
KDA with 1+ deaths #5 (China)7162929634 - XG ⚔ AR - Series 1 - Game 2 - 33AR.Somnus -
Damage taken from heroes #4 (China)7186778829 - XG ⚔ AR - Series 2 - Game 2 - 61,508XG.JT- -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #2 (China)7214928927 - Nova ⚔ LMG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 8,520Nova.Han -
Rampage with highest team networth difference #4 (China)7214928927 - Nova ⚔ LMG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 8,520Nova.Han -
XPM #6 (region299)7220530672 - SR ⚔ bc - Series 1 - Game 2 - 1,011bc.DarkMago♡ -
Kills #5 (region299)7220520161 - TSpirit ⚔ Tundra - Series 1 - Game 2 - 20Tundra.Nine -
Networth #5 (region299)7220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 69,503GG.Quinn -
Last hits #3 (region299)7220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 1,362GG.Quinn -
Damage taken from heroes (region299)7220606698 - GG ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 1 - 140,723GG.Quinn -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #2 (region299)7220530672 - SR ⚔ bc - Series 1 - Game 2 - 6,424bc.DarkMago♡ -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #3 (region299)7234394896 - Liquid ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 2 - 7,006GG.Ace ♠ -
XPM #5 (Western Europe)7187382203 - Liquid ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 2 - 984Quest.AMMAR_THE_F -
Kills #3 (Western Europe)7161835503 - Liquid ⚔ D1H - Series 1 - Game 3 - 22D1H.Adzantick -
Last hits #6 (Western Europe)7215456405 - Old.G ⚔ ATT - Series 1 - Game 2 - 1,016ATT.Mo13ei -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #3 (Western Europe)7199868045 - ITB ⚔ ATT - Series 1 - Game 1 - 10,587ATT.Mo13ei -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #4 (Western Europe)7196148239 - NGX ⚔ IVY - Series 1 - Game 1 - 14,448NGX.mc -
Rampage with highest team networth difference (Western Europe)7169278566 - Tundra ⚔ Quest - Series 1 - Game 3 - 24,853Tundra.Nine -
Kills #2 (Eastern Europe)7183908466 - Nemiga ⚔ VP - Series 1 - Game 1 - 22Nemiga.Malr1ne -
KDA with 0 deaths #4 (Eastern Europe)7183908466 - Nemiga ⚔ VP - Series 1 - Game 1 - 32Nemiga.Malr1ne -
Networth #6 (Eastern Europe)7203914215 - StoRm ⚔ KFT - Series 1 - Game 2 - 47,165StoRm.Nicky`Cool -
Damage to heroes #4 (Eastern Europe)7203914215 - StoRm ⚔ KFT - Series 1 - Game 2 - 65,363StoRm.Nicky`Cool -
vanguard Vanguard7183908466 - Nemiga ⚔ VP - Series 1 - Game 1 - 03:44Nemiga.Malr1ne -
blink Blink Dagger7156473920 - B8 ⚔ nouns - Series 1 - Game 1 - 15:31nouns.Gunnar -
soul_ring Soul Ring7218559141 - MT ⚔ KFT - Series 1 - Game 2 - 03:38MT.nattynarwhal_ -
sange Sange7211888999 - GS ⚔ MAG - Series 1 - Game 1 - 10:45GS.Kokz -
ultimate_scepter Aghanim's Scepter7198009794 - GRIN ⚔ WC - Series 1 - Game 1 - 17:21GRIN.Moozy -
arcane_boots Arcane Boots7184007659 - PSG.LGD ⚔ XG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 04:14XG.JT- -
kaya Kaya7171251472 - THUNDER ⚔ bc - Series 1 - Game 2 - 09:11bc.Sacred -
octarine_core Octarine Core7198139853 - TD ⚔ Nova - Series 1 - Game 2 - 12:30Nova.Han -
lotus_orb Lotus Orb7167428591 - HYDRA ⚔ VP - Series 1 - Game 1 - 11:07VP.Noticed -
kaya_and_sange Kaya and Sange7171251472 - THUNDER ⚔ bc - Series 1 - Game 2 - 12:41bc.Sacred -
Highest averages
Kills #57.89
Taken Damage / min #2 (China)713.70
Kills #2 (Western Europe)9.38
Taken Damage / min #5 (Western Europe)723.47
Taken Damage / min #5 (Eastern Europe)674.79
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Core Offlane14357.89%53.85%Matches
Core Midlane9638.87%54.17%Matches
Core Safelane62.43%33.33%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal68.75%27.78%40100.00%57.50%Link
North AmericaCore Midlane14.58%14.58%2152.50%57.14%Link
North AmericaCore Offlane13.19%13.19%1947.50%57.89%Link
AsiaCore Safelane1.40%1.40%28.33%0.00%Link
AsiaCore Midlane3.50%3.50%520.83%100.00%Link
AsiaCore Offlane11.89%11.89%1770.83%47.06%Link
South AmericaTotal67.42%27.27%36100.00%58.33%Link
South AmericaCore Safelane0.76%0.76%12.78%0.00%Link
South AmericaCore Midlane9.85%9.85%1336.11%53.85%Link
South AmericaCore Offlane16.67%16.67%2261.11%63.64%Link
ChinaCore Midlane11.03%11.03%1634.78%43.75%Link
ChinaCore Offlane19.31%19.31%2860.87%46.43%Link
region299Core Safelane1.50%1.50%36.12%66.67%Link
region299Core Midlane9.00%9.00%1836.73%50.00%Link
region299Core Offlane14.00%14.00%2857.14%46.43%Link
Western EuropeTotal63.70%19.86%29100.00%55.17%Link
Western EuropeCore Midlane8.90%8.90%1344.83%46.15%Link
Western EuropeCore Offlane10.96%10.96%1655.17%62.50%Link
Eastern EuropeTotal59.85%16.79%23100.00%60.87%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Midlane7.30%7.30%1043.48%60.00%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Offlane9.49%9.49%1356.52%61.54%Link


INVICTUS GAMINGINVICTUS GAMING (IG)12966.67%1.20%366.67%0.40%
PSG.LGDPSG.LGD (PSG.LGD)161070.00%1.33%650.00%0.80%
Natus VincereNatus Vincere (NAVI)42100.00%0.27%2100.00%0.27%
Shopify RebellionShopify Rebellion (SR)1720.00%0.27%1546.67%1.99%
Team LiquidTeam Liquid (Liquid)19475.00%0.53%1560.00%1.99%
AllianceAlliance (Alliance)5333.33%0.40%250.00%0.27%
VisionVision (VSG)500.00%0.00%50.00%0.66%
Vivo Keyd StarsVivo Keyd Stars (VKS)44100.00%0.53%00.00%0.00%
Team SecretTeam Secret (Secret)610.00%0.13%560.00%0.66%
OGOG (OG)400.00%0.00%475.00%0.53%
iG.VitalityiG.Vitality (iG.V)6366.67%0.40%30.00%0.40%
NoPing EsportsNoPing Esports (NOPING)1120.00%0.27%955.56%1.20%
LEVEL UPLEVEL UP (lvlUP)300.00%0.00%3100.00%0.40%
Nemiga GamingNemiga Gaming (Nemiga)3366.67%0.40%00.00%0.00%
Team AsterTeam Aster (Aster)19650.00%0.80%1346.15%1.73%
HokoriHokori (Hokori)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.27%
Team SpiritTeam Spirit (TSpirit)700.00%0.00%771.43%0.93%
MonaspaMonaspa (MonaspA)1000.00%0.00%1050.00%1.33%
Big brainBig brain (Bb)7366.67%0.40%40.00%0.53%
Thunder AwakenThunder Awaken (THUNDER)210.00%0.13%1100.00%0.13%
9Pandas9Pandas (9Pandas)16450.00%0.53%1250.00%1.59%
Aster.AriesAster.Aries (Aries)210.00%0.13%10.00%0.13%
Nigma GalaxyNigma Galaxy (NGX)6560.00%0.66%1100.00%0.13%
TiltedBoysTiltedBoys (TB)17250.00%0.27%1546.67%1.99%
SAND KING GÓMEZSAND KING GÓMEZ (SKG)500.00%0.00%520.00%0.66%
BOOM EsportsBOOM Esports (BOOM)6250.00%0.27%425.00%0.53%
Infamous GamingInfamous Gaming (INF)3250.00%0.27%10.00%0.13%
Geek SlateGeek Slate (GS)65100.00%0.66%1100.00%0.13%
The CutThe Cut (TC)710.00%0.13%633.33%0.80%
BLEEDBLEED (BLEED )1520.00%0.27%1361.54%1.73%
RavensRavens (Ravens)6450.00%0.53%2100.00%0.27%
Team SMGTeam SMG (SMG)530.00%0.40%250.00%0.27%
ExecrationExecration (XctN)2400.00%0.00%2437.50%3.19%
beastcoastbeastcoast (bc)11977.78%1.20%250.00%0.27%
Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses (EG)6475.00%0.53%20.00%0.27%
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team (BetBoom)1900.00%0.00%1978.95%2.52%
TSMTSM (TSM)7366.67%0.40%450.00%0.53%
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming (XG)12425.00%0.53%875.00%1.06%
Army Geniuses Mansion Army Geniuses Mansion (AGM)41100.00%0.13%3100.00%0.40%
Old GOld G (Old.G)510.00%0.13%450.00%0.53%
feltfelt (felt)42100.00%0.27%250.00%0.27%
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports (Tundra)171250.00%1.59%580.00%0.66%
IVYIVY (IVY)5475.00%0.53%10.00%0.13%
Neon EsportsNeon Esports (neon)400.00%0.00%450.00%0.53%
InfinityInfinity (Infinity)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.27%
B8B8 (B8)11100.00%0.13%00.00%0.00%
One MoveOne Move (Move)6366.67%0.40%333.33%0.40%
ITB.ShuffleITB.Shuffle (ITB)800.00%0.00%875.00%1.06%
GRIN EsportsGRIN Esports (GRIN)10580.00%0.66%520.00%0.66%
Polaris EsportsPolaris Esports (Polaris)13250.00%0.27%1145.45%1.46%
cybercatscybercats (CC)900.00%0.00%933.33%1.20%
UD VESSUWANUD VESSUWAN (UDV)9366.67%0.40%60.00%0.80%
Azure RayAzure Ray (AR)18742.86%0.93%1154.55%1.46%
Team DisillusionTeam Disillusion (TD)1220.00%0.27%1030.00%1.33%
HYDRAHYDRA (HYDRA)8250.00%0.27%666.67%0.80%
D1 HustlersD1 Hustlers (D1H)210.00%0.13%10.00%0.13%
TalonTalon (TLN)21100.00%0.13%1100.00%0.13%
MoneymakersMoneymakers (MM)420.00%0.27%20.00%0.27%
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators (GG)27650.00%0.80%2171.43%2.79%
DogChampDogChamp (Dog)210.00%0.13%10.00%0.13%
EntityEntity (Entity)800.00%0.00%825.00%1.06%
WildcardWildcard (WC)71100.00%0.13%6100.00%0.80%
Nexus TitansNexus Titans (NT)52100.00%0.27%333.33%0.40%
Blacklist Rivalry Blacklist Rivalry (BLR)1310.00%0.13%1250.00%1.59%
noMERCYnoMERCY (noMERCY)6333.33%0.40%333.33%0.40%
CDUB EsportsCDUB Esports (CDUB)93100.00%0.40%666.67%0.80%
Ancient TribeAncient Tribe (ATT)6366.67%0.40%333.33%0.40%
QhaliQhali (Qhali)910.00%0.13%825.00%1.06%
Virtus.proVirtus.pro (VP)42100.00%0.27%250.00%0.27%
nounsnouns (nouns)8650.00%0.80%250.00%0.27%
XerxiaXerxia (Xerxia)210.00%0.13%10.00%0.13%
Lava Esports Lava Esports (Lava)1310.00%0.13%1258.33%1.59%
Mad Kings EsportsMad Kings Esports (MK)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.27%
ALPHAALPHA (ALPHA)330.00%0.40%00.00%0.00%
MatreshkaMatreshka (MT)5450.00%0.53%10.00%0.13%
Balrogs  Esports™ Balrogs Esports™ (Balrogs™)4250.00%0.27%20.00%0.27%
SPAWN TeamSPAWN Team (SPAWN)710.00%0.13%650.00%0.80%
Quest EsportsQuest Esports (Quest)15966.67%1.20%666.67%0.80%
SupernovaSupernova (Nova)8366.67%0.40%540.00%0.66%
Myth Avenue GamingMyth Avenue Gaming (MAG)5250.00%0.27%30.00%0.40%
StoRmStoRm (StoRm)4250.00%0.27%250.00%0.27%
x5 Gamingx5 Gaming (x5)8450.00%0.53%40.00%0.53%
Team SexyTeam Sexy (Sexy)600.00%0.00%683.33%0.80%
IHCIHC (IHC)5250.00%0.27%366.67%0.40%
NAVI JuniorNAVI Junior (NAVIj)1410.00%0.13%1353.85%1.73%
Piggy KillerPiggy Killer (PK)9333.33%0.40%633.33%0.80%
Team BrightTeam Bright (Bright)800.00%0.00%825.00%1.06%
Holy GrailHoly Grail (HG)600.00%0.00%683.33%0.80%
Universitario eSportsUniversitario eSports ([U])4366.67%0.40%10.00%0.13%
LimitLimit (LMG)850.00%0.66%30.00%0.40%
Los moticucosLos moticucos (PARK)10666.67%0.80%450.00%0.53%
The last darkThe last dark (TLD)710.00%0.13%666.67%0.80%
Team ZeroTeam Zero (Tz)5540.00%0.66%00.00%0.00%
kefteme.mp3kefteme.mp3 (KFT)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.27%
American goonsAmerican goons (USA)9742.86%0.93%2100.00%0.27%


Secret.Armel - 10.00%0.13%
noMERCY.Benjaz - 333.33%0.40%
SPAWN.womy - 10.00%0.13%
NGX.mc - 560.00%0.66%
PSG.LGD.niu - 966.67%1.20%
CDUB.Mark - 1100.00%0.13%
Aster.Xxs - 366.67%0.40%
XG.JT- - 425.00%0.53%
Ravens.RRL - 250.00%0.27%
SR.Abed - 20.00%0.27%
MT.nattynarwhal_ - 366.67%0.40%
Old.G.Topson - 10.00%0.13%
TB.usH - 250.00%0.27%
Polaris.ENRYU - 10.00%0.13%
SMG.MidOne - 10.00%0.13%
Quest.AMMAR_THE_F - 966.67%1.20%
ALPHA.steel- - 10.00%0.13%
Tundra.Nine - 966.67%1.20%
nouns.Gunnar - 650.00%0.80%
felt.Kitzz - 2100.00%0.27%
GS.Kokz - 3100.00%0.40%
USA.esK - 425.00%0.53%
Bb.S - 1100.00%0.13%
PARK.Oscar - 2100.00%0.27%
Bb.csj - 250.00%0.27%
NT.Zore - 2100.00%0.27%
iG.V.ButterflyEffect - 1100.00%0.13%
Alliance.ChYuaN - 10.00%0.13%
9Pandas.kiyotaka - 10.00%0.13%
Aster.Suma1L- - 333.33%0.40%
Aries.生死 - 10.00%0.13%
ALPHA.Blessed kid - 10.00%0.13%
Tz.Beyond - 250.00%0.27%
NOPING.Drakeel - 20.00%0.27%
iG.V.三无marblue - 250.00%0.27%
Ravens.Italiano Gangstar - 250.00%0.27%
Tz.7e - 333.33%0.40%
USA.Lil_Nick - 366.67%0.40%
GG.Quinn - 560.00%0.66%
Liquid.Nisha - 250.00%0.27%
Tundra.33 - 30.00%0.40%
Liquid.zai - 2100.00%0.27%
Move.Ainkrad - 1100.00%0.13%
HYDRA.Cloud - 250.00%0.27%
D1H.Adzantick - 10.00%0.13%
IG.项羽 - 966.67%1.20%
AR.Somnus - 333.33%0.40%
ALPHA.Satoshi- - 10.00%0.13%
PK.Ava阿发 - 333.33%0.40%
[U].James- - 366.67%0.40%
WC.RCY - 1100.00%0.13%
SMG.Masaros - 20.00%0.27%
INF.hyko - 250.00%0.27%
Move.AfterLife - 250.00%0.27%
Lava.Lumpy - 10.00%0.13%
ATT.Mo13ei - 366.67%0.40%
IHC.11 - 250.00%0.27%
Nemiga.Malr1ne - 366.67%0.40%
NAVIj.pma - 10.00%0.13%
PARK.lalatronii < - 650.00%0.80%
x5.Ryu - 250.00%0.27%
Dog.Speeed - 10.00%0.13%
VKS.fcr - 3100.00%0.40%
IVY.MikSa` - 475.00%0.53%
VKS.4nalog <01 - 1100.00%0.13%
TSM.kasane - 10.00%0.13%
EG.Wisper - 475.00%0.53%
VP.Noticed - 2100.00%0.27%
TSM.Bryle - 2100.00%0.27%
Qhali.yisus smurf - 10.00%0.13%
LMG.chosen1 - 30.00%0.40%
bc.DarkMago♡ - 475.00%0.53%
9Pandas.MieRo` - 366.67%0.40%
GS.Force - 2100.00%0.27%
Alliance.s4 - 250.00%0.27%
UDV.BEEBIE - 1100.00%0.13%
LMG.冷鸟 - 20.00%0.27%
Nova.Han - 366.67%0.40%
x5.tavo - 250.00%0.27%
MAG.zeal - 250.00%0.27%
CDUB.islA - 2100.00%0.27%
MM.Egor - 10.00%0.13%
bc.Sacred - 580.00%0.66%
NAVI.Malik - 2100.00%0.27%
PSG.LGD.NothingToSay - 1100.00%0.13%
BOOM.Fbz - 250.00%0.27%
AR.chalice - 450.00%0.53%
UDV.RDP - 250.00%0.27%
MT.meLes - 10.00%0.13%
GRIN.Moozy - 366.67%0.40%
BLEED .iceiceice - 20.00%0.27%
GRIN.rohofireflu - 2100.00%0.27%
B8.Funn1k - 1100.00%0.13%
MM.bb3px - 10.00%0.13%
THUNDER.ILICH- - 10.00%0.13%
TD.Small.Kk - 10.00%0.13%
TD.Ayunid - 10.00%0.13%
TLN.Jabz - 1100.00%0.13%
Polaris.Mac - 1100.00%0.13%
StoRm.Nicky`Cool - 250.00%0.27%
AGM.db- - 1100.00%0.13%
GG.Ace ♠ - 10.00%0.13%
Xerxia.Rupido - 10.00%0.13%
TC.MTD - 10.00%0.13%
BLR.kpii - 10.00%0.13%
TLD.Shining - 10.00%0.13%