Spectral is a non-commercial personal passion project, kept online by donations of users like you.Any Patreon or direct donation helps a lot. Click on this block for more info Donations this month: $158.00
The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Competitive Premium 2022-2023

DPC 2023 Season, TI12 and Qualifiers

First Pick Radiant Ratio: 43.3201

: 648 (366 Picks, 282 Bans)
: 46.43%
: Support Safelane
: 3.18
: 5.84
: 12.7
: 1.29
: 334.2
: 460.7
: 91.5
: 429.6
: 6.72
: 350.8
: 11.0
: 1.04
: 10.2
: 2.56
: 39:34
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters

Basic item build

Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

7406129687 - PSG.LGD ⚔ GG - Series 5 - Game 1 - PSG.LGD.WhyouSm1Le - Support SafelaneRadiantlunaspirit_breakershadow_demoncentaurphoenixnecrolytealchemistsilencergrimstrokeprimal_beastLost50:31
7404713057 - BetBoom ⚔ AR - Series 4 - Game 3 - AR.fy - Support OfflaneDirekunkkalunarattletrapbrewmasterphoenixmorphlingenchantressinvokerlegion_commandermuertaWon42:49
7404668056 - BetBoom ⚔ AR - Series 4 - Game 2 - BetBoom.TORONTOTOKYO - Support SafelaneRadiantfaceless_voiddragon_knightchaos_knightphoenixdark_willowpucklunatuskdawnbreakermuertaWon32:01
7404577536 - BetBoom ⚔ AR - Series 4 - Game 1 - BetBoom.TORONTOTOKYO - Support SafelaneDirekunkkatemplar_assassinchaos_knighttechiesphoenixnecrolytepugnalife_stealertuskdawnbreakerLost58:41
7404381764 - Liquid ⚔ GG - Series 9 - Game 2 - GG.Seleri - Support SafelaneRadiantrazorlone_druidphoenixpangoliermuertakunkkatidehunterpugnalunaenchantressWon41:25
Deaths #3 (North America)7101858294 - TC ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 18USA.emp -
Obs Wards destroyed #5 (Asia)6973136034 - Fnatic ⚔ SMG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 10SMG.- 米克 - -
Neutral camps stacked #5 (China)7292086676 - TeBr ⚔ 1 - Series 2 - Game 2 - 14TeBr.imitator -
Sentries placed #4 (China)6969815557 - IG ⚔ Aries - Series 1 - Game 2 - 47Aries.Redpanda -
Deaths #2 (Eastern Europe)7300916215 - Nemiga ⚔ Darkside - Series 2 - Game 2 - 19PC.RodjER -
Obs Wards destroyed #4 (Eastern Europe)7115405500 - YNT ⚔ NAVIj - Series 1 - Game 2 - 10YNT.Slayer -
aghanims_shard Aghanim's Shard7406129687 - PSG.LGD ⚔ GG - Series 5 - Game 1 - 15:01PSG.LGD.WhyouSm1Le -
tranquil_boots Tranquil Boots7212840199 - lvlUP ⚔ PC - Series 1 - Game 2 - 02:51OLG.Ceb -
force_staff Force Staff7383689600 - PSG.LGD ⚔ VKS - Series 1 - Game 1 - 14:46PSG.LGD.WhyouSm1Le -
sheepstick Scythe of Vyse7378917656 - SMG ⚔ EG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 21:07SMG.Jaunuel -
urn_of_shadows Urn of Shadows7380503658 - SMG ⚔ EG - Series 2 - Game 2 - 04:12EG.Wisper -
refresher Refresher Orb7018208955 - IVY ⚔ OT - Series 1 - Game 1 - 25:45OT.kaori -
cyclone Eul's Scepter of Divinity7402900929 - Liquid ⚔ TSpirit - Series 2 - Game 1 - 13:50TSpirit.Miposhka -

Highest averages

No elements :(
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Support Safelane20656.28%43.69%Matches
Support Offlane14238.80%50.00%Matches
Core Offlane164.37%50.00%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal25.96%11.56%69100.00%52.17%Link
North AmericaCore Offlane0.84%0.84%57.25%60.00%Link
North AmericaSupport Offlane2.85%2.85%1724.64%64.71%Link
North AmericaSupport Safelane7.87%7.87%4768.12%46.81%Link
AsiaCore Offlane1.06%1.06%512.50%80.00%Link
AsiaSupport Offlane2.97%2.97%1435.00%28.57%Link
AsiaSupport Safelane4.24%4.24%2050.00%30.00%Link
South AmericaTotal6.10%4.58%21100.00%47.62%Link
South AmericaCore Offlane0.44%0.44%29.52%0.00%Link
South AmericaSupport Offlane0.22%0.22%14.76%100.00%Link
South AmericaSupport Safelane3.92%3.92%1885.71%50.00%Link
ChinaSupport Offlane12.34%12.34%5867.44%58.62%Link
ChinaSupport Safelane5.74%5.74%2731.40%40.74%Link
region299Core Offlane0.34%0.34%23.39%0.00%Link
region299Support Offlane4.46%4.46%2644.07%50.00%Link
region299Support Safelane5.32%5.32%3152.54%45.16%Link
Western EuropeTotal23.04%12.68%60100.00%40.00%Link
Western EuropeCore Offlane0.42%0.42%23.33%50.00%Link
Western EuropeSupport Offlane2.54%2.54%1220.00%8.33%Link
Western EuropeSupport Safelane9.73%9.73%4676.67%47.83%Link
Eastern EuropeTotal9.89%6.67%31100.00%41.94%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Offlane3.01%3.01%1445.16%50.00%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Safelane3.66%3.66%1754.84%35.29%Link


INVICTUS GAMINGINVICTUS GAMING (IG)10837.50%1.23%250.00%0.31%
PSG.LGDPSG.LGD (PSG.LGD)332669.23%4.01%742.86%1.08%
Shopify RebellionShopify Rebellion (SR)151250.00%1.85%366.67%0.46%
Team LiquidTeam Liquid (Liquid)171100.00%0.15%1675.00%2.47%
AllianceAlliance (Alliance)310.00%0.15%250.00%0.31%
FnaticFnatic (Fnatic)620.00%0.31%40.00%0.62%
Vici GamingVici Gaming (VG)6650.00%0.93%00.00%0.00%
Vivo Keyd StarsVivo Keyd Stars (VKS)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.15%
Dawn GamingDawn Gaming (Dawn)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
Team SecretTeam Secret (Secret)510.00%0.15%425.00%0.62%
OGOG (OG)12475.00%0.62%837.50%1.23%
iG.VitalityiG.Vitality (iG.V)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
Infamous GamingInfamous Gaming (INFAMOUS)4425.00%0.62%00.00%0.00%
Nemiga GamingNemiga Gaming (Nemiga)330.00%0.46%00.00%0.00%
Team AsterTeam Aster (Aster)221369.23%2.01%933.33%1.39%
KnightsKnights (Knights)91100.00%0.15%850.00%1.23%
Alliance.LATAMAlliance.LATAM (A.LATAM)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.15%
Team SpiritTeam Spirit (TSpirit)11757.14%1.08%4100.00%0.62%
MonaspaMonaspa (MonaspA)310.00%0.15%20.00%0.31%
Meteor GamingMeteor Gaming (MG)620.00%0.31%450.00%0.62%
Thiuth GamingThiuth Gaming (THIU)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.15%
Thunder AwakenThunder Awaken (THUNDER)6633.33%0.93%00.00%0.00%
HellRaisersHellRaisers (HR)8520.00%0.77%333.33%0.46%
Aster.AriesAster.Aries (Aries)221637.50%2.47%650.00%0.93%
Nigma GalaxyNigma Galaxy (NGX)8633.33%0.93%20.00%0.31%
SAND KING GÓMEZSAND KING GÓMEZ (SKG)310.00%0.15%250.00%0.31%
BOOM EsportsBOOM Esports (BOOM)530.00%0.46%20.00%0.31%
Team CloudTeam Cloud (Cloud)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
Geek SlateGeek Slate (GS)6333.33%0.46%30.00%0.46%
The CutThe Cut (TC)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.15%
BLEEDBLEED (BLEED )9742.86%1.08%20.00%0.31%
Team SMGTeam SMG (SMG)171145.45%1.70%683.33%0.93%
ExecrationExecration (XctN)6366.67%0.46%333.33%0.46%
beastcoastbeastcoast (bc)231850.00%2.78%520.00%0.77%
Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses (EG)16250.00%0.31%1457.14%2.16%
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team (BetBoom)7250.00%0.31%540.00%0.77%
TSMTSM (TSM)14837.50%1.23%650.00%0.93%
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming (XG)211275.00%1.85%944.44%1.39%
Army GeniusesArmy Geniuses (AG)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.15%
PuckChampPuckChamp (PC)3333.33%0.46%00.00%0.00%
Penguins SquadPenguins Squad (Psquad)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports (Tundra)161241.67%1.85%475.00%0.62%
IVYIVY (IVY)4333.33%0.46%1100.00%0.15%
Team Bald RebornTeam Bald Reborn (Tb)210.00%0.15%10.00%0.15%
Neon EsportsNeon Esports (neon)41100.00%0.15%333.33%0.46%
InfinityInfinity (Infinity)11100.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
B8B8 (B8)220.00%0.31%00.00%0.00%
One MoveOne Move (Move)2250.00%0.31%00.00%0.00%
ITB.ShuffleITB.Shuffle (ITB)9714.29%1.08%250.00%0.31%
X3X3 (X3)5520.00%0.77%00.00%0.00%
Polaris EsportsPolaris Esports (Polaris)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
cybercatscybercats (CC)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
UD VESSUWANUD VESSUWAN (UDV)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.31%
Azure RayAzure Ray (AR)29887.50%1.23%2142.86%3.24%
Poke GamingPoke Gaming (Poke)41100.00%0.15%366.67%0.46%
HYDRAHYDRA (HYDRA)300.00%0.00%366.67%0.46%
D2 HustlersD2 Hustlers (Hustler )800.00%0.00%850.00%1.23%
TalonTalon (TLN)12366.67%0.46%966.67%1.39%
YNTYNT (YNT)9837.50%1.23%10.00%0.15%
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators (GG)16875.00%1.23%887.50%1.23%
DogChampDogChamp (Dog)21100.00%0.15%1100.00%0.15%
EntityEntity (Entity)2000.00%0.00%2050.00%3.09%
WildcardWildcard (WC)7540.00%0.77%250.00%0.31%
5RATFORCESTAFF5RATFORCESTAFF (5RF)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.31%
RISE EsportsRISE Esports (RISE)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.31%
Blacklist Rivalry Blacklist Rivalry (BLR)7540.00%0.77%2100.00%0.31%
Ancient TribeAncient Tribe (ATT)520.00%0.31%366.67%0.46%
QhaliQhali (Qhali)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.31%
HFHF (HF)3333.33%0.46%00.00%0.00%
Virtus.proVirtus.pro (VP)8333.33%0.46%560.00%0.77%
Team MystiqueTeam Mystique (TM)21100.00%0.15%1100.00%0.15%
nounsnouns (nouns)11771.43%1.08%40.00%0.62%
Water Rune EnjoyersWater Rune Enjoyers (WRE)8650.00%0.93%20.00%0.31%
XerxiaXerxia (Xerxia)7742.86%1.08%00.00%0.00%
Mad Kings EsportsMad Kings Esports (MK)210.00%0.15%10.00%0.15%
ALPHAALPHA (ALPHA)4333.33%0.46%10.00%0.15%
Sigma.YNTSigma.YNT (Σ.YNT)11100.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
MatreshkaMatreshka (MT)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.31%
SPAWN TeamSPAWN Team (SPAWN)320.00%0.31%10.00%0.15%
Ooredoo ThundersOoredoo Thunders (OT)191861.11%2.78%10.00%0.15%
SupernovaSupernova (Nova)11837.50%1.23%30.00%0.46%
Fart StudiosFart Studios (FRT)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.15%
Myth Avenue GamingMyth Avenue Gaming (MAG)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.15%
Old GOld G (OLG)6520.00%0.77%1100.00%0.15%
DarksideDarkside (Darkside)4333.33%0.46%1100.00%0.15%
Team SexyTeam Sexy (Sexy)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.15%
Team ToughTeam Tough (TT)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
QWEQWE (QWE)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
NAVI JuniorNAVI Junior (NAVIj)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.15%
Piggy KillerPiggy Killer (PiKi)110.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
Team BrightTeam Bright (TeBr)9520.00%0.77%4100.00%0.62%
cactuscactus (1)320.00%0.31%10.00%0.15%
The last darkThe last dark (T)11100.00%0.15%00.00%0.00%
Team ZeroTeam Zero (Tz)4250.00%0.31%2100.00%0.31%
kefteme.mp3kefteme.mp3 (KFT)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.15%
American goonsAmerican goons (USA)3366.67%0.46%00.00%0.00%


Carlo - 366.67%0.46%
bombi - 633.33%0.93%
UALEIKUM.Bekzhan - 1100.00%0.15%
TSM.Ari - 333.33%0.46%
PSG.LGD.planet - 1361.54%2.01%
TLN.Oli~ - 366.67%0.46%
Kaka - 580.00%0.77%
BLEED .DuBu - 333.33%0.46%
GG.Seleri - 785.71%1.08%
TSpirit.Miposhka - 540.00%0.77%
SMG.Jaunuel - 650.00%0.93%
jesv - 10.00%0.15%
OLG.Kitrak - 742.86%1.08%
bc.stingeR - 1560.00%2.31%
Tundra.Sneyking - 1241.67%1.85%
WC.Husky - 425.00%0.62%
THUNDER.Mjz - 1030.00%1.54%
MG.Tz. - 10.00%0.15%
Aster.皮球 - 1070.00%1.54%
TSM.Whitemon - 540.00%0.77%
SR.Fly - 1250.00%1.85%
Dog.MoOz - 1100.00%0.15%
1.Dqq - 20.00%0.31%
IG.qyqx - 520.00%0.77%
DRE.Tiger - 10.00%0.15%
UALEIKUM.Mary_y - 862.50%1.23%
OT.kaori - 1861.11%2.78%
Darkside.SoNNeikO - 333.33%0.46%
BOOM.xNova - 30.00%0.46%
nouns.Lelis - 2100.00%0.31%
HF.sohy - 333.33%0.46%
Aries.Redpanda - 1442.86%2.16%
AR.fy - 560.00%0.77%
TeBr.Undyne_ - 20.00%0.31%
WC.Taiga - 250.00%0.31%
PiKi.Frisk - 10.00%0.15%
Masaros - 250.00%0.31%
NGX.KuroKy - 450.00%0.62%
bc.Sacred - 30.00%0.46%
XG.Dy - 771.43%1.08%
IG.Pyw - 2100.00%0.31%
TK - 20.00%0.31%
B8.Kidaro - 520.00%0.77%
GS.Force - 250.00%0.31%
IVY.jmvincento - 333.33%0.46%
Tz.zzq - 4100.00%0.62%
so bad - 10.00%0.15%
Nova.sheep - 837.50%1.23%
WC.Sunlight - 250.00%0.31%
PSG.LGD.WhyouSm1Le - 1376.92%2.01%
Tb.PABLO - 10.00%0.15%
MT.dark - 520.00%0.77%
YNT.Slayer - 520.00%0.77%
USA.emp - 475.00%0.62%
PC.RodjER - 616.67%0.93%
ATT.Alex - 10.00%0.15%
nouns.Yamsun - 366.67%0.46%
EG.Wisper - 250.00%0.31%
SMG.- 米克 - - 633.33%0.93%
eyyou - 10.00%0.15%
ITB.RESPECT - 10.00%0.15%
PlayHard- - 10.00%0.15%
TSpirit.Mira - 2100.00%0.31%
ITB.Merlin - 10.00%0.15%
SPAWN.TraVins - 20.00%0.31%
BoBoKa - 366.67%0.46%
Polaris.cml - 10.00%0.15%
MonaspA.SsaSparTaN. - 10.00%0.15%
Funn1k - 10.00%0.15%
QWE.αce - 10.00%0.15%
Tz.ICEICE - 250.00%0.31%
MAG.poloson - 10.00%0.15%
Knights.XCJ - 1100.00%0.15%
ATT.LeBronDota - 10.00%0.15%
AR.天命 - 250.00%0.31%
roddgeee, - 10.00%0.15%
TeBr.imitator - 333.33%0.46%
neon.khishka - 1100.00%0.15%
NGX.GH - 20.00%0.31%
T.NORMAL END - 1100.00%0.15%
OLG.Ceb - 2100.00%0.31%
BLR.BossKu^ - 450.00%0.62%
YNT.Bignum - 366.67%0.46%
TM.Dqq - 1100.00%0.15%
Poke.RanFuDao - 1100.00%0.15%
W_Zayac - 10.00%0.15%
x5.wij - 10.00%0.15%
Cloud.mercy - 10.00%0.15%
BLEED .DJ - 250.00%0.31%
VP.Fng - 333.33%0.46%
BetBoom.TORONTOTOKYO - 250.00%0.31%
MG.三无marblue - 10.00%0.15%
Move.pantomem - 250.00%0.31%
GG.tOfu - 10.00%0.15%
Xerxia.Jaja - 1100.00%0.15%
VG.Yang - 250.00%0.31%
HR.Solo - 10.00%0.15%
NLG.CHAAANNN - 10.00%0.15%
AR.chalice - 1100.00%0.15%
Alliance.Handsken - 10.00%0.15%
Liquid.zai - 1100.00%0.15%
Σ.YNT.queezy小个子 - 1100.00%0.15%
MK.RedMonster - 10.00%0.15%
Dawn.Ms - 10.00%0.15%
Immersion - 10.00%0.15%
Psquad.eace - 10.00%0.15%
TT.Tsukimoto - 10.00%0.15%
jiumi - 10.00%0.15%
Infinity.Prada - 1100.00%0.15%