Spectral is a non-commercial personal passion project, kept online by donations of users like you.Any Patreon or direct donation helps a lot. Click on this block for more info Donations this month: $158.00
The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Competitive Premium 2022-2023

DPC 2023 Season, TI12 and Qualifiers

Average number of buybacks per game by Dire: 2.1323

Rogue Knight
: 398 (239 Picks, 159 Bans)
: 50.21%
: Core Safelane
: 7.20
: 3.73
: 8.67
: 0.848
: 668.2
: 763.6
: 0.712
: 566.7
: 178.4
: 592.8
: 34.6
: 1.14
: 68.6
: 10.3
: 39:38
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters

Basic item build

Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

7402900929 - Liquid ⚔ TSpirit - Series 2 - Game 1 - Liquid.m1CKe - Core SafelaneRadiantsventidehuntermagnataurgrimstrokemuertaaxekunkkachaos_knightphoenixdark_willowLost40:29
7395201088 - BetBoom ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 1 - BetBoom.Nightfall - Core SafelaneDiresvenvengefulspirittidehunterdazzlemuertawindrunnerweaverspectreancient_apparitionearth_spiritLost1:09:45
7393504676 - HR ⚔ GG - Series 4 - Game 2 - HR.RAMZES666 - Core SafelaneDiresvendoom_bringerspirit_breakertreantgrimstrokebristlebackterrorbladephoenixprimal_beastmuertaLost32:37
7391367511 - TSpirit ⚔ VP - Series 4 - Game 3 - TSpirit.Yatoro雨 - Core SafelaneDiresventidehunterinvokertreantdark_willowskeleton_kingspectrekeeper_of_the_lightgrimstrokemuertaWon46:51
7384067209 - Tundra ⚔ nouns - Series 1 - Game 1 - Tundra.skiter - Core SafelaneRadiantsvenweaverdoom_bringerearth_spiritphoenixearthshakerwitch_doctorrattletrapancient_apparitionnaga_sirenLost38:50
XPM7127549430 - Liquid ⚔ HR - Series 2 - Game 2 - 1,181Liquid.m1CKe -
Rampage with highest team networth difference #47294358700 - TeBr ⚔ Tz - Series 1 - Game 2 - 46,220Tz.Cty -
GPM #6 (North America)7379995104 - Tundra ⚔ OT - Series 3 - Game 1 - 1,045Tundra.skiter -
Networth #2 (North America)7379995104 - Tundra ⚔ OT - Series 3 - Game 1 - 72,664Tundra.skiter -
Last hits #5 (North America)7379995104 - Tundra ⚔ OT - Series 3 - Game 1 - 1,268Tundra.skiter -
Map pings #3 (North America)7395201088 - BetBoom ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 1 - 334BetBoom.Nightfall -
Kills #6 (Asia)7308676820 - SMG ⚔ XctN - Series 5 - Game 2 - 23XctN.Palos -
XPM #2 (South America)7171209895 - THUNDER ⚔ bc - Series 3 - Game 1 - 1,074PARK.JimPark -
XPM #3 (South America)7301518484 - A.LATAM ⚔ Infinity - Series 5 - Game 2 - 1,054A.LATAM.Lumière -
Damage to buildings #2 (China)7214871148 - MG ⚔ 1 - Series 2 - Game 3 - 29,084MG.圣子华炼-GwenExperience★ -
Rampage with highest team networth difference (China)7294358700 - TeBr ⚔ Tz - Series 1 - Game 2 - 46,220Tz.Cty -
XPM (region299)7127549430 - Liquid ⚔ HR - Series 2 - Game 2 - 1,181Liquid.m1CKe -
Rampage with highest team networth difference (region299)7131369885 - IG ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 43,586TLN.23 -
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #3 (Western Europe)7312496806 - Secret ⚔ OT - Series 2 - Game 3 - 3,033OT.TA2000 -
lesser_crit Crystalys7122638320 - Poke ⚔ 1 - Series 2 - Game 2 - 13:43Poke.L'enfer, c'est les autres -
aghanims_shard Aghanim's Shard7101496782 - CC ⚔ Σ.YNT - Series 2 - Game 2 - 15:52Σ.YNT.queezy小个子 -
black_king_bar Black King Bar7380279835 - SR ⚔ AR - Series 1 - Game 2 - 15:18SR.天鸽 -
invis_sword Shadow Blade7299546109 - Lava ⚔ Balrogs™ - Series 3 - Game 2 - 16:37Balrogs™.DCMC -
blink Blink Dagger7187986573 - SKG ⚔ B8 - Series 2 - Game 2 - 12:31Leônidas -
echo_sabre Echo Sabre7187850949 - SKG ⚔ B8 - Series 2 - Game 1 - 08:22Leônidas -
power_treads Power Treads7213229421 - TC ⚔ GRIN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 03:37GRIN.-SouL -
satanic Satanic7289271236 - SKG ⚔ nouns - Series 2 - Game 1 - 23:22nouns.K1 tqmD -
silver_edge Silver Edge7122638320 - Poke ⚔ 1 - Series 2 - Game 2 - 18:03Poke.L'enfer, c'est les autres -
mask_of_madness Mask of Madness7213229421 - TC ⚔ GRIN - Series 1 - Game 2 - 07:18GRIN.-SouL -
harpoon Harpoon7205939130 - MonaspA ⚔ ATT - Series 2 - Game 2 - 12:31lil pleb -
Highest averages
XPM #3763.60
XPM #2 (North America)791.02
Last hits / min #5 (North America)10.75
Kills #2 (Asia)10.21
XPM #5 (Asia)773.32
XPM #4 (South America)789.22
XPM #4 (Western Europe)783.31
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Core Safelane21489.54%50.00%Matches
Support Safelane156.28%60.00%Matches
Core Offlane52.09%40.00%Matches
Support Offlane52.09%40.00%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal16.75%9.55%57100.00%42.11%Link
North AmericaCore Safelane8.88%8.88%5392.98%41.51%Link
North AmericaCore Offlane0.34%0.34%23.51%0.00%Link
North AmericaSupport Safelane0.34%0.34%23.51%100.00%Link
AsiaCore Safelane3.81%3.81%1894.74%55.56%Link
AsiaSupport Safelane0.21%0.21%15.26%100.00%Link
South AmericaTotal15.90%9.80%45100.00%53.33%Link
South AmericaCore Safelane9.15%9.15%4293.33%52.38%Link
South AmericaCore Offlane0.22%0.22%12.22%100.00%Link
South AmericaSupport Safelane0.44%0.44%24.44%50.00%Link
ChinaCore Safelane4.26%4.26%2074.07%50.00%Link
ChinaSupport Offlane0.21%0.21%13.70%0.00%Link
ChinaSupport Safelane1.28%1.28%622.22%50.00%Link
region299Core Safelane4.63%4.63%2787.10%44.44%Link
region299Support Offlane0.34%0.34%26.45%50.00%Link
region299Support Safelane0.34%0.34%26.45%50.00%Link
Western EuropeTotal10.15%6.77%32100.00%53.13%Link
Western EuropeCore Safelane6.13%6.13%2990.63%51.72%Link
Western EuropeCore Offlane0.42%0.42%26.25%50.00%Link
Western EuropeSupport Offlane0.21%0.21%13.13%100.00%Link
Eastern EuropeTotal11.18%6.02%28100.00%60.71%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Safelane5.38%5.38%2589.29%64.00%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Offlane0.22%0.22%13.57%0.00%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Safelane0.43%0.43%27.14%50.00%Link


INVICTUS GAMINGINVICTUS GAMING (IG)210.00%0.25%1100.00%0.25%
PSG.LGDPSG.LGD (PSG.LGD)6333.33%0.75%3100.00%0.75%
Natus VincereNatus Vincere (NAVI)11771.43%1.76%450.00%1.01%
Shopify RebellionShopify Rebellion (SR)11837.50%2.01%30.00%0.75%
Team LiquidTeam Liquid (Liquid)7560.00%1.26%250.00%0.50%
AllianceAlliance (Alliance)110.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
Vici GamingVici Gaming (VG)2250.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
Vivo Keyd StarsVivo Keyd Stars (VKS)6666.67%1.51%00.00%0.00%
Dawn GamingDawn Gaming (Dawn)330.00%0.75%00.00%0.00%
Team SecretTeam Secret (Secret)5475.00%1.01%10.00%0.25%
OGOG (OG)5250.00%0.50%333.33%0.75%
Infamous GamingInfamous Gaming (INFAMOUS)320.00%0.50%1100.00%0.25%
LEVEL UPLEVEL UP (lvlUP)7540.00%1.26%2100.00%0.50%
Nemiga GamingNemiga Gaming (Nemiga)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.50%
Team AsterTeam Aster (Aster)22100.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
Alliance.LATAMAlliance.LATAM (A.LATAM)53100.00%0.75%20.00%0.50%
Team SpiritTeam Spirit (TSpirit)13666.67%1.51%785.71%1.76%
MonaspaMonaspa (MonaspA)21100.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
Meteor GamingMeteor Gaming (MG)3366.67%0.75%00.00%0.00%
Thunder AwakenThunder Awaken (THUNDER)3333.33%0.75%00.00%0.00%
HellRaisersHellRaisers (HR)7650.00%1.51%1100.00%0.25%
Aster.AriesAster.Aries (Aries)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.25%
Nigma GalaxyNigma Galaxy (NGX)5540.00%1.26%00.00%0.00%
SAND KING GÓMEZSAND KING GÓMEZ (SKG)33100.00%0.75%00.00%0.00%
BOOM EsportsBOOM Esports (BOOM)110.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
No RunesNo Runes (NRunes)22100.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
LBZSLBZS (LBZS)110.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
Team CloudTeam Cloud (Cloud)220.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
UkumariUkumari (Uku)310.00%0.25%250.00%0.50%
Geek SlateGeek Slate (GS)12862.50%2.01%425.00%1.01%
The CutThe Cut (TC)210.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
BLEEDBLEED (BLEED )300.00%0.00%30.00%0.75%
Another NA TeamAnother NA Team (ANT)7450.00%1.01%366.67%0.75%
Team SMGTeam SMG (SMG)41100.00%0.25%366.67%0.75%
ExecrationExecration (XctN)9540.00%1.26%425.00%1.01%
beastcoastbeastcoast (bc)181060.00%2.51%837.50%2.01%
Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses (EG)11875.00%2.01%3100.00%0.75%
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team (BetBoom)220.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
EternityEternity (Eternity)210.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
TSMTSM (TSM)420.00%0.50%20.00%0.50%
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming (XG)6450.00%1.01%250.00%0.50%
Army GeniusesArmy Geniuses (AG)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.25%
PuckChampPuckChamp (PC)310.00%0.25%2100.00%0.50%
feltfelt (felt)31100.00%0.25%20.00%0.50%
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports (Tundra)12977.78%2.26%30.00%0.75%
IVYIVY (IVY)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.25%
Neon EsportsNeon Esports (neon)11100.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
InfinityInfinity (Infinity)8520.00%1.26%333.33%0.75%
B8B8 (B8)8333.33%0.75%580.00%1.26%
One MoveOne Move (Move)210.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
GRIN EsportsGRIN Esports (GRIN)4366.67%0.75%10.00%0.25%
X3X3 (X3)11100.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
Polaris EsportsPolaris Esports (Polaris)110.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
AtlantisAtlantis (Atl)11100.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
Azure RayAzure Ray (AR)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.25%
Poke GamingPoke Gaming (Poke)21100.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
HYDRAHYDRA (HYDRA)31100.00%0.25%250.00%0.50%
D2 HustlersD2 Hustlers (Hustler )5540.00%1.26%00.00%0.00%
TalonTalon (TLN)6366.67%0.75%30.00%0.75%
YNTYNT (YNT)52100.00%0.50%333.33%0.75%
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators (GG)12250.00%0.50%1080.00%2.51%
DogChampDogChamp (Dog)5250.00%0.50%333.33%0.75%
EntityEntity (Entity)600.00%0.00%683.33%1.51%
WildcardWildcard (WC)7333.33%0.75%475.00%1.01%
5RATFORCESTAFF5RATFORCESTAFF (5RF)220.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
RISE EsportsRISE Esports (RISE)110.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
Blacklist Rivalry Blacklist Rivalry (BLR)5450.00%1.01%1100.00%0.25%
Dreamers EsportsDreamers Esports (DRE)11100.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
CDUB EsportsCDUB Esports (CDUB)2250.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
RavensRavens (Ravens)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.25%
Ancient TribeAncient Tribe (ATT)3250.00%0.50%10.00%0.25%
QhaliQhali (Qhali)4250.00%0.50%250.00%0.50%
HFHF (HF)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.25%
Virtus.proVirtus.pro (VP)7580.00%1.26%2100.00%0.50%
Team MystiqueTeam Mystique (TM)2250.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
nounsnouns (nouns)6425.00%1.01%250.00%0.50%
Lava Esports Lava Esports (Lava)4333.33%0.75%10.00%0.25%
Mad Kings EsportsMad Kings Esports (MK)6425.00%1.01%250.00%0.50%
ALPHAALPHA (ALPHA)210.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
Sigma.YNTSigma.YNT (Σ.YNT)210.00%0.25%1100.00%0.25%
MatreshkaMatreshka (MT)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.25%
Balrogs  Esports™ Balrogs Esports™ (Balrogs™)620.00%0.50%40.00%1.01%
SPAWN TeamSPAWN Team (SPAWN)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.25%
Ooredoo ThundersOoredoo Thunders (OT)5250.00%0.50%333.33%0.75%
SupernovaSupernova (Nova)22100.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
Myth Avenue GamingMyth Avenue Gaming (MAG)3333.33%0.75%00.00%0.00%
DarksideDarkside (Darkside)530.00%0.75%250.00%0.50%
x5 Gamingx5 Gaming (x5)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.25%
Team SexyTeam Sexy (Sexy)4250.00%0.50%250.00%0.50%
NAVI JuniorNAVI Junior (NAVIj)21100.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
Piggy KillerPiggy Killer (PiKi)2250.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
Team BrightTeam Bright (TeBr)200.00%0.00%2100.00%0.50%
Universitario eSportsUniversitario eSports ([U])21100.00%0.25%10.00%0.25%
LimitLimit (LMG)220.00%0.50%00.00%0.00%
Team ZeroTeam Zero (Tz)3366.67%0.75%00.00%0.00%
kefteme.mp3kefteme.mp3 (KFT)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.25%
American goonsAmerican goons (USA)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.25%


XG.Ghost - 450.00%1.01%
NGX.Yuma - 475.00%1.01%
Liquid.m1CKe - 560.00%1.26%
Tundra.Sneyking - 1100.00%0.25%
YNT.Lukas - 2100.00%0.50%
OLG.No[o]ne- - 10.00%0.25%
OG.yuragi - 250.00%0.50%
HR.RAMZES666 - 837.50%2.01%
nouns.K1 tqmD - 837.50%2.01%
Tundra.skiter - 875.00%2.01%
NAVIj.gotthejuice - 1100.00%0.25%
BLR.Raven^ - 450.00%1.01%
SR.Fly - 1100.00%0.25%
IG.Dust - 10.00%0.25%
EG.Pakazs - 875.00%2.01%
Secret.Crystallis - 475.00%1.01%
Mariano - 10.00%0.25%
Dawn.Ms - 10.00%0.25%
TM.rayy - 250.00%0.50%
TSM.Timado - 20.00%0.50%
SR.天鸽 - 728.57%1.76%
XctN.Palos - 540.00%1.26%
TLN.23 - 366.67%0.75%
Move.Munkushi~太阳 - 10.00%0.25%
NAVI.Malady - 10.00%0.25%
Poke.L'enfer, c'est les autres - 1100.00%0.25%
Lava.asd - 20.00%0.50%
Xerxia.YoungGod - 333.33%0.75%
TSpirit.Yatoro雨 - 475.00%1.01%
PiKi.flyfly - 250.00%0.50%
NRunes.mini - 2100.00%0.50%
BOOM.Natsumi - 10.00%0.25%
lvlUP.Daxao - 540.00%1.26%
PARK.JP - 10.00%0.25%
GG.dyrachyo - 250.00%0.50%
Aster.皮球 - 2100.00%0.50%
VKS.Costabile - 666.67%1.51%
DRE.Kōtarō.sr4ever - 20.00%0.50%
OT.TA2000 - 250.00%0.50%
Tz.Cty - 366.67%0.75%
NAVI.shigetsu - 683.33%1.51%
VP.Kiritych~ - 580.00%1.26%
Σ.YNT.:) - 10.00%0.25%
Hustler .Shad - 20.00%0.50%
Dawn.siumang333 - 20.00%0.50%
Darkside.k8t - 10.00%0.25%
MonaspA.Nande - 1100.00%0.25%
GS.Ulnit - 666.67%1.51%
PARK.JimPark - 580.00%1.26%
MG.圣子华炼-GwenExperience★ - 366.67%0.75%
[U].DaaD- - 450.00%1.01%
555 - 1100.00%0.25%
Atl.ponyo - 1100.00%0.25%
Polaris.Akashi - 10.00%0.25%
ANT.Argius - 450.00%1.01%
Nova.冬 - 2100.00%0.50%
Dog.dnm - 425.00%1.01%
INFAMOUS.hFnk3 <3M - 10.00%0.25%
THUNDER.Knight~ - 333.33%0.75%
AMMAR_THE_F - 425.00%1.01%
TSpirit.Miposhka - 250.00%0.50%
Rises - 10.00%0.25%
- 20.00%0.50%
WC.Samson - 333.33%0.75%
Sexy.7jesu - 250.00%0.50%
Alliance.charlie - 10.00%0.25%
Eternity.CarJua - 10.00%0.25%
B8.StoneBank - 333.33%0.75%
Infinity.Prada - 10.00%0.25%
A.LATAM.Lumière - 3100.00%0.75%
lil pleb - 1100.00%0.25%
Cloud.Stariff - 20.00%0.50%
Balrogs™.DCMC - 20.00%0.50%
neon.FortuneSoul - 1100.00%0.25%
HitinmunE - 1100.00%0.25%
WRE.Palantimos - 20.00%0.50%
Leônidas - 2100.00%0.50%
GRIN.-SouL - 366.67%0.75%
MK.Adrian < - 333.33%0.75%
RISE.Dinozavrik - 10.00%0.25%
Qhali.Cucahook - 250.00%0.50%
LBZS.Fonte - 10.00%0.25%
VG.Erika - 250.00%0.50%
Σ.YNT.queezy小个子 - 10.00%0.25%
PSG.LGD.shiro - 333.33%0.75%
TC.Scourge McDuck - 10.00%0.25%
SKG.SlaweE - 1100.00%0.25%
HYDRA.Kami - 1100.00%0.25%
BetBoom.Nightfall - 20.00%0.50%
nouns.Yamsun - 10.00%0.25%
MT.dark - 1100.00%0.25%
Simple - 1100.00%0.25%
CDUB.Sanctified - 1100.00%0.25%
roddgeee, - 10.00%0.25%
GS.NARMAN - 1100.00%0.25%
CDUB.Double King - 10.00%0.25%
SMG.MidOne - 1100.00%0.25%