The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Competitive Premium 2022-2023

DPC 2023 Season, TI12 and Qualifiers

Average Roshan kills per game by Radiant: 1.0938

: 538 (280 Picks, 258 Bans)
: 45.71%
: Core Midlane
: 4.72
: 4.26
: 10.6
: 0.923
: 526.7
: 622.6
: 0.173
: 486.2
: 113.8
: 637.6
: 56.6
: 0.932
: 53.6
: 7.08
: 40:00
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters

Basic item build

Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

7404668056 - BetBoom ⚔ AR - Series 4 - Game 2 - BetBoom.gpk~ - Core MidlaneRadiantfaceless_voiddragon_knightchaos_knightphoenixdark_willowpucklunatuskdawnbreakermuertaWon32:01
7310630375 - GS ⚔ XctN - Series 3 - Game 1 - XctN.Bob - Core MidlaneRadiantdragon_knightfurionmedusaelder_titanearth_spiritsvenwarlockrubickember_spiritabyssal_underlordLost34:15
7310579326 - Secret ⚔ lvlUP - Series 1 - Game 2 - lvlUP.lorenof - Core MidlaneRadiantdragon_knightdark_seerkeeper_of_the_lightterrorblademarcisventemplar_assassindoom_bringerdisruptorelder_titanLost1:21:39
7309298263 - Secret ⚔ Entity - Series 3 - Game 2 - Secret.Armel - Core MidlaneDirelionphantom_assassindragon_knightdawnbreakermarciearthshakerwarlockdeath_prophettemplar_assassinrubickLost42:10
7309274409 - BOOM ⚔ AG - Series 3 - Game 3 - BOOM.Yopaj- - Core MidlaneRadiantdragon_knightbatridershredderelder_titanterrorbladerazorsand_kingtreantskywrath_mageember_spiritWon47:02
Rampage with lowest team networth difference #2 (Eastern Europe)7112577127 - Σ.YNT ⚔ NAVIj - Series 1 - Game 1 - 5,193NAVIj.gotthejuice -
hand_of_midas Hand of Midas7095943730 - TT ⚔ QWE - Series 1 - Game 1 - 07:12QWE.sanctity- -
aghanims_shard Aghanim's Shard7119033460 - PiKi ⚔ 1 - Series 1 - Game 1 - 15:00PiKi.Ava阿发 -
black_king_bar Black King Bar6963156009 - NAVI ⚔ TSpirit - Series 1 - Game 1 - 15:52TSpirit.Larl -
blink Blink Dagger7136973650 - PSG.LGD ⚔ TLN - Series 2 - Game 1 - 08:30TLN.Mikoto -
yasha Yasha7002897050 - MG ⚔ TM - Series 1 - Game 1 - 13:05TM.mmm -
manta Manta Style7113459384 - Lava ⚔ NLG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 16:25PARK.JP -
ultimate_scepter Aghanim's Scepter7083306979 - Tundra ⚔ GG - Series 3 - Game 2 - 20:53Tundra.Nine -
power_treads Power Treads7086438053 - MonaspA ⚔ Tundra - Series 1 - Game 2 - 03:20Tundra.Nine -
sange Sange7224537050 - SR ⚔ TSpirit - Series 3 - Game 2 - 22:00SR.Abed -
soul_ring Soul Ring7075710470 - OG ⚔ MonaspA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 02:17MonaspA.W1sh- -
Highest averages
Taken Damage / min #5 (South America)641.53
Taken Damage / min #4 (region299)693.91
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Core Midlane15956.79%47.17%Matches
Core Offlane8931.79%39.33%Matches
Core Safelane2810.00%57.14%Matches
Support Safelane31.07%66.67%Matches
Support Offlane10.36%0.00%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal7.37%5.36%32100.00%34.38%Link
North AmericaCore Safelane0.34%0.34%26.25%50.00%Link
North AmericaCore Midlane2.68%2.68%1650.00%43.75%Link
North AmericaCore Offlane2.35%2.35%1443.75%21.43%Link
AsiaCore Safelane0.42%0.42%26.90%50.00%Link
AsiaCore Midlane3.60%3.60%1758.62%52.94%Link
AsiaCore Offlane2.12%2.12%1034.48%40.00%Link
South AmericaTotal10.89%5.66%26100.00%42.31%Link
South AmericaCore Safelane0.44%0.44%27.69%100.00%Link
South AmericaCore Midlane2.83%2.83%1350.00%30.77%Link
South AmericaCore Offlane2.40%2.40%1142.31%45.45%Link
ChinaCore Safelane0.43%0.43%25.56%50.00%Link
ChinaCore Midlane5.74%5.74%2775.00%51.85%Link
ChinaCore Offlane1.49%1.49%719.44%14.29%Link
region299Core Safelane0.86%0.86%59.80%20.00%Link
region299Core Midlane6.35%6.35%3772.55%48.65%Link
region299Core Offlane1.37%1.37%815.69%37.50%Link
region299Support Safelane0.17%0.17%11.96%0.00%Link
Western EuropeTotal19.45%10.36%49100.00%48.98%Link
Western EuropeCore Safelane1.48%1.48%714.29%71.43%Link
Western EuropeCore Midlane5.71%5.71%2755.10%44.44%Link
Western EuropeCore Offlane3.17%3.17%1530.61%46.67%Link
Eastern EuropeTotal22.15%12.26%57100.00%52.63%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Safelane1.72%1.72%814.04%62.50%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Midlane4.73%4.73%2238.60%50.00%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Offlane5.16%5.16%2442.11%50.00%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Offlane0.22%0.22%11.75%0.00%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Safelane0.43%0.43%23.51%100.00%Link


EHOMEEHOME (EHOME)3333.33%0.56%00.00%0.00%
INVICTUS GAMINGINVICTUS GAMING (IG)10666.67%1.12%450.00%0.74%
PSG.LGDPSG.LGD (PSG.LGD)3250.00%0.37%10.00%0.19%
Natus VincereNatus Vincere (NAVI)73100.00%0.56%40.00%0.74%
Shopify RebellionShopify Rebellion (SR)16425.00%0.74%1258.33%2.23%
Team LiquidTeam Liquid (Liquid)186100.00%1.12%1258.33%2.23%
AllianceAlliance (Alliance)81100.00%0.19%742.86%1.30%
FnaticFnatic (Fnatic)420.00%0.37%250.00%0.37%
Vici GamingVici Gaming (VG)5250.00%0.37%333.33%0.56%
Vivo Keyd StarsVivo Keyd Stars (VKS)420.00%0.37%2100.00%0.37%
Dawn GamingDawn Gaming (Dawn)420.00%0.37%20.00%0.37%
Team SecretTeam Secret (Secret)6333.33%0.56%3100.00%0.56%
OGOG (OG)810.00%0.19%757.14%1.30%
iG.VitalityiG.Vitality (iG.V)320.00%0.37%10.00%0.19%
Infamous GamingInfamous Gaming (INFAMOUS)41100.00%0.19%333.33%0.56%
LEVEL UPLEVEL UP (lvlUP)210.00%0.19%1100.00%0.19%
Nemiga GamingNemiga Gaming (Nemiga)7450.00%0.74%3100.00%0.56%
Team AsterTeam Aster (Aster)4250.00%0.37%2100.00%0.37%
KnightsKnights (Knights)8425.00%0.74%475.00%0.74%
Alliance.LATAMAlliance.LATAM (A.LATAM)7425.00%0.74%366.67%0.56%
Team SpiritTeam Spirit (TSpirit)10742.86%1.30%3100.00%0.56%
MonaspaMonaspa (MonaspA)4475.00%0.74%00.00%0.00%
Meteor GamingMeteor Gaming (MG)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.19%
Thiuth GamingThiuth Gaming (THIU)220.00%0.37%00.00%0.00%
HellRaisersHellRaisers (HR)151060.00%1.86%580.00%0.93%
Aster.AriesAster.Aries (Aries)5250.00%0.37%366.67%0.56%
Nigma GalaxyNigma Galaxy (NGX)330.00%0.56%00.00%0.00%
TiltedBoysTiltedBoys (TB)330.00%0.56%00.00%0.00%
SAND KING GÓMEZSAND KING GÓMEZ (SKG)310.00%0.19%20.00%0.37%
BOOM EsportsBOOM Esports (BOOM)41100.00%0.19%333.33%0.56%
No RunesNo Runes (NRunes)2250.00%0.37%00.00%0.00%
LBZSLBZS (LBZS)110.00%0.19%00.00%0.00%
Team CloudTeam Cloud (Cloud)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.37%
UkumariUkumari (Uku)110.00%0.19%00.00%0.00%
Geek SlateGeek Slate (GS)7560.00%0.93%250.00%0.37%
The CutThe Cut (TC)4333.33%0.56%1100.00%0.19%
BLEEDBLEED (BLEED )42100.00%0.37%250.00%0.37%
Another NA TeamAnother NA Team (ANT)220.00%0.37%00.00%0.00%
Team SMGTeam SMG (SMG)410.00%0.19%366.67%0.56%
ExecrationExecration (XctN)9425.00%0.74%580.00%0.93%
beastcoastbeastcoast (bc)12333.33%0.56%933.33%1.67%
Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses (EG)31100.00%0.19%2100.00%0.37%
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team (BetBoom)111050.00%1.86%10.00%0.19%
TSMTSM (TSM)4250.00%0.37%250.00%0.37%
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming (XG)7580.00%0.93%250.00%0.37%
Army GeniusesArmy Geniuses (AG)510.00%0.19%425.00%0.74%
PuckChampPuckChamp (PC)8366.67%0.56%520.00%0.93%
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports (Tundra)181464.29%2.60%475.00%0.74%
IVYIVY (IVY)6520.00%0.93%10.00%0.19%
Neon EsportsNeon Esports (neon)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.19%
InfinityInfinity (Infinity)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.19%
B8B8 (B8)8742.86%1.30%1100.00%0.19%
One MoveOne Move (Move)71100.00%0.19%650.00%1.12%
ITB.ShuffleITB.Shuffle (ITB)8540.00%0.93%30.00%0.56%
AtlantisAtlantis (Atl)200.00%0.00%2100.00%0.37%
cybercatscybercats (CC)4450.00%0.74%00.00%0.00%
UD VESSUWANUD VESSUWAN (UDV)9666.67%1.12%333.33%0.56%
Azure RayAzure Ray (AR)310.00%0.19%2100.00%0.37%
Poke GamingPoke Gaming (Poke)8250.00%0.37%666.67%1.12%
HYDRAHYDRA (HYDRA)6450.00%0.74%20.00%0.37%
D2 HustlersD2 Hustlers (Hustler )320.00%0.37%10.00%0.19%
TalonTalon (TLN)10580.00%0.93%580.00%0.93%
YNTYNT (YNT)730.00%0.56%475.00%0.74%
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators (GG)9475.00%0.74%560.00%0.93%
EntityEntity (Entity)410.00%0.19%333.33%0.56%
WildcardWildcard (WC)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.19%
5RATFORCESTAFF5RATFORCESTAFF (5RF)320.00%0.37%1100.00%0.19%
RISE EsportsRISE Esports (RISE)730.00%0.56%40.00%0.74%
Blacklist Rivalry Blacklist Rivalry (BLR)5425.00%0.74%10.00%0.19%
Dreamers EsportsDreamers Esports (DRE)110.00%0.19%00.00%0.00%
CDUB EsportsCDUB Esports (CDUB)2250.00%0.37%00.00%0.00%
RavensRavens (Ravens)2250.00%0.37%00.00%0.00%
Ancient TribeAncient Tribe (ATT)12862.50%1.49%450.00%0.74%
QhaliQhali (Qhali)3333.33%0.56%00.00%0.00% (VP)610.00%0.19%540.00%0.93%
Team MystiqueTeam Mystique (TM)3366.67%0.56%00.00%0.00%
nounsnouns (nouns)410.00%0.19%30.00%0.56%
Water Rune EnjoyersWater Rune Enjoyers (WRE)220.00%0.37%00.00%0.00%
XerxiaXerxia (Xerxia)710.00%0.19%650.00%1.12%
Lava Esports Lava Esports (Lava)310.00%0.19%250.00%0.37%
Mad Kings EsportsMad Kings Esports (MK)53100.00%0.56%250.00%0.37%
ALPHAALPHA (ALPHA)6560.00%0.93%10.00%0.19%
Sigma.YNTSigma.YNT (Σ.YNT)530.00%0.56%20.00%0.37%
Balrogs  Esports™ Balrogs Esports™ (Balrogs™)5250.00%0.37%333.33%0.56%
SPAWN TeamSPAWN Team (SPAWN)420.00%0.37%250.00%0.37%
Ooredoo ThundersOoredoo Thunders (OT)300.00%0.00%3100.00%0.56%
Outsiders From CNOutsiders From CN (OFC)52100.00%0.37%30.00%0.56%
Team FlowTeam Flow (Flow)11100.00%0.19%00.00%0.00%
SupernovaSupernova (Nova)4333.33%0.56%1100.00%0.19%
Fart StudiosFart Studios (FRT)21100.00%0.19%1100.00%0.19%
Myth Avenue GamingMyth Avenue Gaming (MAG)8250.00%0.37%683.33%1.12%
Old GOld G (OLG)110.00%0.19%00.00%0.00%
DarksideDarkside (Darkside)400.00%0.00%425.00%0.74%
x5 Gamingx5 Gaming (x5)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.19%
Team SexyTeam Sexy (Sexy)41100.00%0.19%366.67%0.56%
Team ToughTeam Tough (TT)210.00%0.19%10.00%0.19%
QWEQWE (QWE)4366.67%0.56%10.00%0.19%
NAVI JuniorNAVI Junior (NAVIj)101050.00%1.86%00.00%0.00%
Piggy KillerPiggy Killer (PiKi)41100.00%0.19%333.33%0.56%
NoLimitsGamingNoLimitsGaming (NLG)5333.33%0.56%20.00%0.37%
Team BrightTeam Bright (TeBr)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.19%
cactuscactus (1)410.00%0.19%333.33%0.56%
孤独摇滚孤独摇滚 (孤独摇滚)210.00%0.19%10.00%0.19%
American goonsAmerican goons (USA)110.00%0.19%00.00%0.00%


BetBoom.gpk~ - 333.33%0.56%
Tundra.Nine - 1070.00%1.86%
AMMAR_THE_F - 20.00%0.37%
ITB.Supream^ - 30.00%0.56%
ITB.Xibbe - 2100.00%0.37%
bc.Sacred - 250.00%0.37%
HR.RAMZES666 - 4100.00%0.74%
HYDRA.Cloud - 366.67%0.56%
Σ.YNT.kur0patbI4 - 10.00%0.19%
Σ.YNT.foryou - 10.00%0.19%
YNT.bb3px - 20.00%0.37%
NLG.drakesh1t 吉幸 - 10.00%0.19%
CDUB.Mark - 250.00%0.37%
TLN.Mikoto - 580.00%0.93%
GG.Quinn - 475.00%0.74%
IG.Dust - 475.00%0.74%
IVY.MikSa` - 580.00%0.93%
Soul光 - 450.00%0.74%
Ri4man - 450.00%0.74%
PiKi.Ava阿发 - 1100.00%0.19%
GRIN.rohofireflu - 10.00%0.19%
A.LATAM.Vitaly 誇り - 333.33%0.56%
Aries.Xwy - 333.33%0.56%
FRT.Jenkins - 1100.00%0.19%
Funn1k - 425.00%0.74%
NGX.Yuma - 10.00%0.19%
Xerxia.Rupido - 10.00%0.19%
Paparazi灬 - 580.00%0.93%
TB.ValOdbka - 20.00%0.37%
B8.Dendi - 366.67%0.56%
Nemiga.Malr1ne - 250.00%0.37%
Dog.Speeed - 20.00%0.37%
TC.Saadman01 - 1100.00%0.19%
La SoLeCiTa :3 - 10.00%0.19%
Monster - 1100.00%0.19%
AG.Yowe - 10.00%0.19%
BLR.Karl - 20.00%0.37%
Knights.AlaCrity- - 333.33%0.56%
Flow.Mercury- - 1100.00%0.19%
MonaspA.W1sh- - 475.00%0.74%
ATT.Mo13ei - 250.00%0.37%
Poke.small pig - 1100.00%0.19%
Liquid.Nisha - 4100.00%0.74%
MooN - 10.00%0.19% < - 1100.00%0.19%
BLEED .Kordan - 1100.00%0.19%
AR.Somnus - 10.00%0.19%
BetBoom.Nightfall - 757.14%1.30%
Secret.Armel - 333.33%0.56%
Knights.Flyby - 10.00%0.19%
Uku.H1j4ck - 10.00%0.19%
UDV.BEEBIE - 560.00%0.93%
HR.Solo - 366.67%0.56%
Totoro - 10.00%0.19%
Balrogs™.Ñengo - 250.00%0.37%
ArzenT - 2100.00%0.37%
WRE.Stojkov - 40.00%0.74%
V - 10.00%0.19%
Tundra.skiter - 450.00%0.74%
TSpirit.Collapse - 10.00%0.19%
TSM.Bryle - 250.00%0.37%
IVY.Moonlight - 1100.00%0.19%
tax - 10.00%0.19%
BLR.BossKu^ - 250.00%0.37%
EHOME.Night - 333.33%0.56%
GS.Force - 333.33%0.56%
x5.tavo - 10.00%0.19%
Σ.YNT.queezy小个子 - 10.00%0.19%
TSpirit.Larl - 650.00%1.12%
Dawn.Son Goku - 20.00%0.37%
Krish`- - 250.00%0.37%
BLEED .iceiceice - 1100.00%0.19%
Liquid.zai - 2100.00%0.37%
zeal - 1100.00%0.19% - 250.00%0.37%
NRunes.hyko - 1100.00%0.19%
孤独摇滚.Rea1 - 10.00%0.19%
THIU.Cry - 10.00%0.19%
NAVIj.pma - 366.67%0.56%
HF.XANNI - 250.00%0.37%
Ravens.TaO- - 10.00%0.19%
RDP - 1100.00%0.19%
Nova.Han - 250.00%0.37%
lvlUP.lorenof - 333.33%0.56%
OLG.Resolut1on - 10.00%0.19%
PARK.lalatronii < - 10.00%0.19%
bc.DarkMago♡ - 10.00%0.19%
4dr <3 Déia - 20.00%0.37%
nouns.Gunnar - 10.00%0.19%
BLR.kpii - 10.00%0.19%
Nemiga.Vazya - 250.00%0.37%
XctN.Bob - 425.00%0.74%
NAVI.mellojul - 1100.00%0.19%
Entity.Stormstormer - 10.00%0.19%
SKG.ducho0 - 10.00%0.19%
Summer - 10.00%0.19%
BOOM - 10.00%0.19%
TC.Ade - 10.00%0.19%
Alliance.charlie - 1100.00%0.19%
项羽 - 10.00%0.19%
usH - 20.00%0.37%
MT.meLes - 10.00%0.19%
SR.Abed - 20.00%0.37%
Qhali.Robo-Z - 333.33%0.56%
TM.mmm - 1100.00%0.19%
LBZS.dolphin - 10.00%0.19%
lowskill - 1100.00%0.19%
PARK.JP - 1100.00%0.19%
Blizzy - 20.00%0.37%
IG.Emo - 250.00%0.37%
OG.bzm - 10.00%0.19%
BOOM.Yopaj- - 1100.00%0.19%
VG.Setsu - 250.00%0.37%
NAVIj.gotthejuice - 333.33%0.56%
YNT.Lukas - 10.00%0.19%
VKS.4nalog <01 - 10.00%0.19%
HR.MieRo` - 30.00%0.56%
White_Album白学家 - 1100.00%0.19%
Italiano Gangstar - 10.00%0.19%
TB.Ferte - 10.00%0.19%
T.EchozZ - 2100.00%0.37%
[U].DaaD- - 1100.00%0.19%
Napkin - 10.00%0.19%
NAVI.Malik - 2100.00%0.37%
GS.Kokz - 2100.00%0.37% - 10.00%0.19%
SPAWN.MamangDaya - 20.00%0.37%
USA.MTD - 10.00%0.19%
SR.天鸽 - 10.00%0.19%
Move.AfterLife - 1100.00%0.19%
Ravens.Benjaz - 1100.00%0.19%
Hustler .Adzantick - 10.00%0.19%
RISE.Dodren - 10.00%0.19%
HYDRA.Worick - 10.00%0.19%
Lava.Lumpy - 10.00%0.19%
PSG.LGD.NothingToSay - 1100.00%0.19%
惊魂chen - 10.00%0.19%
INFAMOUS.Sebas - 1100.00%0.19%
QWE.sanctity- - 1100.00%0.19%
VP.Noticed - 10.00%0.19%
TT.seimei - 10.00%0.19%
SR.SaberLight - 1100.00%0.19%
MAG.Meracle - 10.00%0.19%
hAze._. - 1100.00%0.19%