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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Competitive Premium 2022-2023

DPC 2023 Season, TI12 and Qualifiers

Dire winrate: 51.3782

Summary | Grid | Profiles | Cards
This page contains all basic data about league participants (players or teams) as cards. To find match with specific player or team use document inner search (usually Ctrl+F).
Matches: 34
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,144
XPM: 2,611
K/D/A: 23/29/56
Main region: region299
Active roster:
EHOME.mks- (Core Safelane)
EHOME.Night (Core Midlane)
EHOME.xiaoyu (Core Offlane)
EHOME.Salad (Support Offlane)
EHOME.Lww (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 16 - 18.75%
disruptor Disruptor: 12 - 58.33%
furion Nature's Prophet: 11 - 36.36%
rubick Rubick: 9 - 33.33%
Favorite pairs:
furion Nature's Prophet + tusk Tusk: 7 - 14.29%
disruptor Disruptor + tusk Tusk: 6 - 33.33%
death_prophet Death Prophet + tusk Tusk: 5 - 40.00%
Matches: 95
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,272
XPM: 2,686
K/D/A: 22/25/55
Main region: region299
Active roster:
IG.Dust (Core Safelane)
IG.Emo (Core Midlane)
IG.Pyw (Support Offlane)
IG.qyqx (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
shredder Timbersaw: 19 - 57.89%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 17 - 29.41%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 15 - 33.33%
monkey_king Monkey King: 13 - 46.15%
Favorite pairs:
luna Luna + visage Visage: 5 - 60.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + monkey_king Monkey King: 5 - 40.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + visage Visage: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 139
Winrate: 63%
GPM: 2,424
XPM: 2,859
K/D/A: 24/20/59
Main region: North America
Active roster:
PSG.LGD.shiro (Core Safelane)
PSG.LGD.NothingToSay (Core Midlane)
VG.niu (Core Offlane)
PSG.LGD.planet (Support Offlane)
PSG.LGD.WhyouSm1Le (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
phoenix Phoenix: 26 - 69.23%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 22 - 77.27%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 21 - 47.62%
pangolier Pangolier: 20 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + beastmaster Beastmaster: 6 - 100.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + elder_titan Elder Titan: 6 - 66.67%
death_prophet Death Prophet + tusk Tusk: 6 - 50.00%
Matches: 62
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,310
XPM: 2,774
K/D/A: 23/25/58
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
NAVI.shigetsu (Core Safelane)
NAVI.mellojul (Core Midlane)
NAVI.Malik (Core Offlane)
NAVI.Danial (Support Offlane)
NAVI.Malady (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 19 - 42.11%
pangolier Pangolier: 10 - 50.00%
primal_beast Primal Beast: 8 - 37.50%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + pangolier Pangolier: 6 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + magnataur Magnus: 4 - 100.00%
dark_seer Dark Seer + earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 126
Winrate: 60%
GPM: 2,425
XPM: 2,896
K/D/A: 28/21/65
Main region: North America
Active roster:
SR.天鸽 (Core Safelane)
SR.Abed (Core Midlane)
SR.SaberLight (Core Offlane)
SR.Cr1t- (Support Offlane)
SR.Fly (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 24 - 70.83%
undying Undying: 21 - 47.62%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 21 - 71.43%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 18 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
furion Nature's Prophet + tusk Tusk: 6 - 100.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + doom_bringer Doom: 5 - 80.00%
lycan Lycan + rubick Rubick: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 163
Winrate: 68%
GPM: 2,485
XPM: 2,966
K/D/A: 27/21/64
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Liquid.m1CKe (Core Safelane)
Liquid.Nisha (Core Midlane)
Liquid.zai (Core Offlane)
Liquid.Boxi (Support Offlane)
Liquid.Insania (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 30 - 70.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 21 - 76.19%
tusk Tusk: 20 - 70.00%
treant Treant Protector: 20 - 80.00%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + pugna Pugna: 7 - 71.43%
rattletrap Clockwerk + furion Nature's Prophet: 6 - 100.00%
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 100.00%
Matches: 57
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,387
XPM: 2,870
K/D/A: 25/25/63
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Alliance.charlie (Core Safelane)
Alliance.ChYuaN (Core Midlane)
Alliance.s4 (Core Offlane)
Tb.PABLO (Support Offlane)
Alliance.Handsken (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 14 - 50.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 13 - 38.46%
mirana Mirana: 11 - 72.73%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 11 - 72.73%
Favorite pairs:
silencer Silencer + terrorblade Terrorblade: 5 - 100.00%
doom_bringer Doom + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 100.00%
silencer Silencer + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 55
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,297
XPM: 2,686
K/D/A: 24/31/59
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Flow.Mercury- (Core Safelane)
Fnatic.Nasjo (Core Midlane)
Fnatic.Candyloon (Core Offlane)
Fnatic.SGOD (Support Offlane)
Fnatic.LOyd LFT4/5 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 15 - 40.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 11 - 27.27%
rubick Rubick: 10 - 20.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 8 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + tusk Tusk: 5 - 20.00%
disruptor Disruptor + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 25.00%
disruptor Disruptor + visage Visage: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 31
Winrate: 58%
GPM: 2,349
XPM: 2,846
K/D/A: 26/19/57
Main region: China
Active roster:
PiKi.flyfly (Core Safelane)
VG.Erika (Core Safelane)
VG.Setsu (Core Midlane)
VG.niu (Core Offlane)
AR.fy (Support Offlane)
VG.Yang (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 13 - 61.54%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 8 - 75.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 8 - 62.50%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 8 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + rubick Rubick: 3 - 100.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + rubick Rubick: 3 - 100.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + tusk Tusk: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 75
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,384
XPM: 2,790
K/D/A: 26/26/63
Main region: North America
Active roster:
VKS.Costabile (Core Safelane)
VKS.4nalog <01 (Core Midlane)
VKS.fcr (Core Offlane)
VKS.Kingrd (Support Offlane)
VKS.KJ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 18 - 38.89%
tusk Tusk: 16 - 43.75%
pangolier Pangolier: 15 - 40.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 12 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
earth_spirit Earth Spirit + pangolier Pangolier: 7 - 42.86%
pangolier Pangolier + snapfire Snapfire: 6 - 33.33%
monkey_king Monkey King + snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 20.00%
Matches: 14
Winrate: 0%
GPM: 1,769
XPM: 2,119
K/D/A: 13/31/28
Main region: China
Active roster:
Dawn.siumang333 (Core Safelane)
Dawn.ex (Core Midlane)
Dawn.Son Goku (Core Offlane)
Dawn.Docres (Support Offlane)
Dawn.Ms (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
furion Nature's Prophet: 6 - 0.00%
tusk Tusk: 5 - 0.00%
silencer Silencer: 4 - 0.00%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 3 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
furion Nature's Prophet + tusk Tusk: 3 - 0.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk + silencer Silencer: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 58
Winrate: 47%
GPM: 2,311
XPM: 2,791
K/D/A: 23/22/57
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Secret.Crystallis (Core Safelane)
Secret.Armel (Core Midlane)
Secret.Fbz (Core Offlane)
Secret.yamich (Support Offlane)
Secret.Puppey (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mirana Mirana: 10 - 50.00%
techies Techies: 9 - 33.33%
tusk Tusk: 9 - 55.56%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 9 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
tusk Tusk + primal_beast Primal Beast: 4 - 75.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + jakiro Jakiro: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 29%
GPM: 2,280
XPM: 2,880
K/D/A: 26/34/63
Main region: South America
Active roster:
PrdX.Tiburoncin (Core Safelane)
PrdX.Arms (Core Safelane)
[U].James- (Core Midlane)
[U].Lissex (Core Offlane)
PrdX.Destroyer^^| (Support Offlane)
PrdX.Namikaze- (Support Safelane)
NLG.CHAAANNN (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 8 - 37.50%
primal_beast Primal Beast: 6 - 66.67%
treant Treant Protector: 6 - 66.67%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + primal_beast Primal Beast: 4 - 75.00%
treant Treant Protector + rubick Rubick: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 90
Winrate: 52%
GPM: 2,382
XPM: 2,739
K/D/A: 25/26/62
Main region: region299
Active roster:
OG.yuragi (Core Safelane)
OG.bzm (Core Midlane)
OG.DM (Core Offlane)
OLG.Ceb (Core Offlane)
OLG.Kitrak (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 21 - 57.14%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 18 - 61.11%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 12 - 66.67%
invoker Invoker: 12 - 58.33%
Favorite pairs:
beastmaster Beastmaster + rubick Rubick: 5 - 80.00%
rubick Rubick + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
undying Undying + rubick Rubick: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 39
Winrate: 36%
GPM: 2,272
XPM: 2,654
K/D/A: 22/24/49
Main region: China
Active roster:
iG.V.ukiyo (Core Safelane)
Cloud.ButterflyEffect (Core Midlane)
Atl.ponyo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
monkey_king Monkey King: 8 - 37.50%
disruptor Disruptor: 7 - 28.57%
morphling Morphling: 7 - 57.14%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 7 - 28.57%
Favorite pairs:
nevermore Shadow Fiend + jakiro Jakiro: 4 - 50.00%
monkey_king Monkey King + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 50.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + rubick Rubick: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 56
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,244
XPM: 2,693
K/D/A: 23/25/54
Main region: South America
Active roster:
INFAMOUS.hFnk3 <3M (Core Safelane)
INFAMOUS.Sebas (Core Midlane)
Uku.Yor (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 15 - 53.33%
abyssal_underlord Underlord: 13 - 53.85%
mirana Mirana: 11 - 36.36%
rubick Rubick: 10 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 33.33%
tidehunter Tidehunter + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 27
Winrate: 56%
GPM: 2,553
XPM: 2,958
K/D/A: 25/20/66
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
lvlUP.Daxao (Core Safelane)
lvlUP.lorenof (Core Midlane)
lvlUP.OwnedMe (Core Offlane)
lvlUP.swedenstrong (Support Offlane)
lvlUP.MiLAN (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
primal_beast Primal Beast: 7 - 85.71%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 6 - 66.67%
naga_siren Naga Siren: 6 - 100.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 6 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
naga_siren Naga Siren + primal_beast Primal Beast: 4 - 100.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + silencer Silencer: 4 - 75.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + tidehunter Tidehunter: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 61
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,337
XPM: 2,790
K/D/A: 23/24/54
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Nemiga.v1olent` (Core Safelane)
Nemiga.Malr1ne (Core Midlane)
Nemiga.Vazya (Core Offlane)
Nemiga.Hellscream (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 18 - 61.11%
techies Techies: 14 - 35.71%
batrider Batrider: 12 - 41.67%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 12 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
monkey_king Monkey King + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 100.00%
disruptor Disruptor + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 100.00%
slark Slark + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 134
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,364
XPM: 2,801
K/D/A: 23/20/58
Main region: China
Active roster:
Aster.Monet (Core Safelane)
Aster.Suma1L- (Core Midlane)
Aster.Xxs (Core Offlane)
Aster.皮球 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 25 - 68.00%
rubick Rubick: 24 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 21 - 66.67%
disruptor Disruptor: 20 - 45.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 7 - 71.43%
tiny Tiny + enigma Enigma: 6 - 100.00%
medusa Medusa + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 83.33%
Matches: 33
Winrate: 36%
GPM: 2,157
XPM: 2,646
K/D/A: 19/26/47
Main region: region299
Active roster:
Knights.eGo (Core Safelane)
Knights.AlaCrity- (Core Midlane)
Knights.Flyby (Core Offlane)
Knights.Felixciaoba (Support Offlane)
Knights.XCJ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 11 - 54.55%
treant Treant Protector: 10 - 60.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 7 - 42.86%
tusk Tusk: 6 - 16.67%
Favorite pairs:
silencer Silencer + tusk Tusk: 5 - 0.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + rubick Rubick: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 64
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,334
XPM: 2,832
K/D/A: 24/27/60
Main region: South America
Active roster:
A.LATAM.Lumière (Core Safelane)
A.LATAM.Faker (Core Midlane)
A.LATAM.Vitaly 誇り (Core Offlane)
A.LATAM.Michael~ (Support Offlane)
A.LATAM.Gardιck 鬼 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
disruptor Disruptor: 22 - 54.55%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 13 - 61.54%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 72.73%
tusk Tusk: 11 - 36.36%
Favorite pairs:
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + disruptor Disruptor: 5 - 60.00%
rubick Rubick + tusk Tusk: 5 - 20.00%
mirana Mirana + silencer Silencer: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 143
Winrate: 66%
GPM: 2,509
XPM: 3,030
K/D/A: 27/24/64
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TSpirit.Yatoro雨 (Core Safelane)
TSpirit.Larl (Core Midlane)
TSpirit.Collapse (Core Offlane)
TSpirit.Mira (Support Offlane)
TSpirit.Miposhka (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 33 - 60.61%
enchantress Enchantress: 24 - 75.00%
lich Lich: 19 - 63.16%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 18 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
undying Undying + rubick Rubick: 9 - 55.56%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + pugna Pugna: 8 - 62.50%
lich Lich + batrider Batrider: 8 - 50.00%
Matches: 63
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,404
XPM: 2,900
K/D/A: 27/26/63
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
MonaspA.Nande (Core Safelane)
MonaspA.W1sh- (Core Midlane)
MonaspA.Skylark (Core Offlane)
MonaspA.SsaSparTaN. (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
lycan Lycan: 15 - 33.33%
rubick Rubick: 15 - 46.67%
primal_beast Primal Beast: 13 - 46.15%
mirana Mirana: 11 - 72.73%
Favorite pairs:
lycan Lycan + rubick Rubick: 5 - 20.00%
disruptor Disruptor + primal_beast Primal Beast: 4 - 75.00%
leshrac Leshrac + primal_beast Primal Beast: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 60
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,288
XPM: 2,768
K/D/A: 25/28/63
Main region: China
Active roster:
MG.S (Core Midlane)
Cloud.csj (Core Offlane)
MG.三无marblue (Support Offlane)
MG.Tz. (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 18 - 61.11%
mirana Mirana: 11 - 54.55%
treant Treant Protector: 9 - 22.22%
disruptor Disruptor: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + tusk Tusk: 5 - 40.00%
morphling Morphling + tusk Tusk: 4 - 75.00%
silencer Silencer + tusk Tusk: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 30
Winrate: 23%
GPM: 2,033
XPM: 2,426
K/D/A: 21/32/48
Main region: North America
Active roster:
THIU.Odyssey (Core Midlane)
THIU.Cry (Core Offlane)
Eternity.Skyward (Support Offlane)
THIU.Atouf (Support Offlane)
THIU.deadzoned (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
treant Treant Protector: 9 - 33.33%
mirana Mirana: 8 - 25.00%
tiny Tiny: 7 - 28.57%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 7 - 28.57%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + monkey_king Monkey King: 3 - 33.33%
tiny Tiny + treant Treant Protector: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 70
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,398
XPM: 2,861
K/D/A: 25/25/62
Main region: North America
Active roster:
THUNDER.Knight~ (Core Safelane)
THUNDER.SLATEM$ (Core Midlane)
THUNDER.ILICH- (Core Offlane)
THUNDER.n1ght (Support Offlane)
THUNDER.Mjz (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 19 - 73.68%
rubick Rubick: 18 - 44.44%
tusk Tusk: 17 - 47.06%
treant Treant Protector: 12 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + tusk Tusk: 8 - 50.00%
dark_seer Dark Seer + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 137
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,457
XPM: 2,889
K/D/A: 25/23/57
Main region: North America
Active roster:
HR.RAMZES666 (Core Safelane)
HR.kiyotaka (Core Midlane)
HR.MieRo` (Core Offlane)
HR.Antares (Support Offlane)
HR.Solo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
techies Techies: 36 - 55.56%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 36 - 66.67%
rubick Rubick: 28 - 42.86%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 23 - 82.61%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 11 - 90.91%
alchemist Alchemist + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 11 - 81.82%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + undying Undying: 10 - 90.00%
Matches: 54
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,199
XPM: 2,624
K/D/A: 21/25/50
Main region: China
Active roster:
Aries.Ulu (Core Safelane)
Aries.Xwy (Core Midlane)
Aries.生死 (Core Offlane)
PiKi.Mercy (Support Offlane)
Aries.Redpanda (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
phoenix Phoenix: 16 - 37.50%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 14 - 35.71%
enchantress Enchantress: 9 - 22.22%
rubick Rubick: 7 - 28.57%
Favorite pairs:
enchantress Enchantress + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 16.67%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + phoenix Phoenix: 4 - 50.00%
leshrac Leshrac + slark Slark: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 60
Winrate: 45%
GPM: 2,297
XPM: 2,699
K/D/A: 23/25/56
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
NGX.Yuma (Core Safelane)
NGX.Mikey (Core Midlane)
SMG.mc (Core Offlane)
NGX.GH (Support Offlane)
NGX.KuroKy (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
shredder Timbersaw: 12 - 50.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 11 - 45.45%
snapfire Snapfire: 10 - 50.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 10 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
disruptor Disruptor + shredder Timbersaw: 5 - 80.00%
morphling Morphling + disruptor Disruptor: 4 - 100.00%
furion Nature's Prophet + rubick Rubick: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 37
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,387
XPM: 2,861
K/D/A: 24/30/61
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TB.Ferte (Core Safelane)
TB.ValOdbka (Core Midlane)
TB.door (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 11 - 36.36%
undying Undying: 10 - 70.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 8 - 50.00%
techies Techies: 8 - 62.50%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + undying Undying: 4 - 75.00%
doom_bringer Doom + rubick Rubick: 4 - 50.00%
disruptor Disruptor + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 42
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,225
XPM: 2,589
K/D/A: 23/28/55
Main region: North America
Active roster:
SKG.SlaweE (Core Safelane)
SKG.lundd (Core Midlane)
SKG.ducho0 (Core Offlane)
SKG.N1ne (Support Offlane)
NLG.CHAAANNN (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 12 - 50.00%
mirana Mirana: 9 - 33.33%
legion_commander Legion Commander: 8 - 50.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 8 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + mars Mars: 3 - 100.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + silencer Silencer: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 62
Winrate: 52%
GPM: 2,448
XPM: 2,862
K/D/A: 27/22/63
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
BOOM.Natsumi (Core Safelane)
BOOM.Yopaj- (Core Midlane)
Atl.Ws (Core Offlane)
BOOM.xNova (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
disruptor Disruptor: 14 - 57.14%
pangolier Pangolier: 12 - 50.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 54.55%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 10 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
disruptor Disruptor + pangolier Pangolier: 5 - 40.00%
disruptor Disruptor + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 100.00%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light + mars Mars: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 62
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,323
XPM: 2,852
K/D/A: 25/24/57
Main region: South America
Active roster:
NRunes.mini (Core Safelane)
DRE.Mr.Jeanssss (Core Midlane)
NRunes.hyko (Core Offlane)
NRunes.grpx1 <01 (Support Offlane)
NRunes.nuages (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mirana Mirana: 28 - 64.29%
treant Treant Protector: 20 - 35.00%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 12 - 33.33%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 11 - 54.55%
Favorite pairs:
lion Lion + treant Treant Protector: 5 - 60.00%
mirana Mirana + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 16
Winrate: 38%
GPM: 2,244
XPM: 2,825
K/D/A: 26/34/58
Main region: China
Active roster:
LBZS.Fonte (Core Safelane)
LBZS.dolphin (Core Midlane)
LBZS.TZY (Core Offlane)
LBZS.Helios (Support Offlane)
LBZS.果果 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 9 - 44.44%
lina Lina: 4 - 25.00%
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 4 - 25.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
nevermore Shadow Fiend + rubick Rubick: 3 - 33.33%
nevermore Shadow Fiend + rattletrap Clockwerk: 3 - 33.33%
rattletrap Clockwerk + rubick Rubick: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 29%
GPM: 2,187
XPM: 2,755
K/D/A: 25/30/57
Main region: China
Active roster:
Cloud.冰之极限 (Core Safelane)
Cloud.yuyu1 (Core Safelane)
Cloud.ButterflyEffect (Core Midlane)
Cloud.csj (Core Offlane)
Cloud.mercy (Support Offlane)
Cloud.Stariff (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 7 - 42.86%
treant Treant Protector: 6 - 16.67%
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 5 - 20.00%
legion_commander Legion Commander: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
legion_commander Legion Commander + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 33.33%
treant Treant Protector + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 33.33%
morphling Morphling + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 29%
GPM: 2,304
XPM: 2,850
K/D/A: 25/34/62
Main region: South America
Active roster:
PARK.JP (Core Safelane)
PARK.lalatronii < (Core Midlane)
Uku.H1j4ck (Core Offlane)
Infinity.Kiri < (Support Offlane)
Uku.Yor (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 5 - 20.00%
rubick Rubick: 5 - 40.00%
tusk Tusk: 4 - 25.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + rattletrap Clockwerk: 3 - 33.33%
rubick Rubick + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 2 - 100.00%
tusk Tusk + terrorblade Terrorblade: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 85
Winrate: 54%
GPM: 2,398
XPM: 2,811
K/D/A: 24/21/61
Main region: region299
Active roster:
GS.skem (Core Safelane)
GS.Ulnit (Core Safelane)
GS.Kokz (Core Midlane)
GS.Force (Core Offlane)
GS.NARMAN (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 18 - 66.67%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 17 - 70.59%
batrider Batrider: 17 - 58.82%
dark_seer Dark Seer: 17 - 70.59%
Favorite pairs:
rattletrap Clockwerk + dark_seer Dark Seer: 11 - 72.73%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + pugna Pugna: 5 - 80.00%
axe Axe + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 58
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,398
XPM: 2,951
K/D/A: 28/28/65
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TC.Scourge McDuck (Core Safelane)
TC.Saadman01 (Core Midlane)
TC.Ade (Core Offlane)
TC.bgod (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
silencer Silencer: 15 - 73.33%
disruptor Disruptor: 14 - 50.00%
bristleback Bristleback: 13 - 46.15%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 13 - 61.54%
Favorite pairs:
queenofpain Queen of Pain + disruptor Disruptor: 5 - 60.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + bristleback Bristleback: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 79
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,365
XPM: 2,726
K/D/A: 21/23/52
Main region: region299
Active roster:
BLEED .JACKKY (Core Safelane)
BLEED .Kordan (Core Midlane)
BLEED .iceiceice (Core Offlane)
BLEED .DJ (Support Offlane)
BLEED .DuBu (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 18 - 33.33%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 15 - 40.00%
silencer Silencer: 14 - 78.57%
naga_siren Naga Siren: 13 - 84.62%
Favorite pairs:
silencer Silencer + void_spirit Void Spirit: 6 - 83.33%
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 60.00%
silencer Silencer + naga_siren Naga Siren: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 56
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,367
XPM: 2,874
K/D/A: 28/27/63
Main region: North America
Active roster:
ANT.Argius (Core Safelane)
ANT.RRL (Core Midlane)
Ravens.Cara (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
silencer Silencer: 14 - 57.14%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 14 - 78.57%
tusk Tusk: 11 - 54.55%
furion Nature's Prophet: 11 - 63.64%
Favorite pairs:
disruptor Disruptor + tusk Tusk: 6 - 66.67%
furion Nature's Prophet + tusk Tusk: 6 - 50.00%
Matches: 91
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,383
XPM: 2,829
K/D/A: 26/29/63
Main region: North America
Active roster:
OLG.No[o]ne- (Core Safelane)
SMG.mc (Core Offlane)
SMG.MidOne (Core Offlane)
SMG.- 米克 - (Support Offlane)
SMG.Jaunuel (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 20 - 55.00%
rubick Rubick: 20 - 50.00%
furion Nature's Prophet: 17 - 41.18%
pangolier Pangolier: 17 - 52.94%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + rubick Rubick: 8 - 62.50%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker + pangolier Pangolier: 5 - 60.00%
earthshaker Earthshaker + rubick Rubick: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 113
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,341
XPM: 2,771
K/D/A: 23/29/58
Main region: region299
Active roster:
XctN.Palos (Core Safelane)
XctN.Bob (Core Midlane)
XctN.Tino (Core Offlane)
XctN.Shanks (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
mirana Mirana: 22 - 63.64%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 22 - 50.00%
batrider Batrider: 20 - 40.00%
visage Visage: 20 - 65.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + visage Visage: 7 - 85.71%
mirana Mirana + marci Marci: 7 - 85.71%
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 7 - 71.43%
Matches: 122
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,426
XPM: 2,889
K/D/A: 27/28/65
Main region: North America
Active roster:
PARK.JimPark (Core Safelane)
bc.DarkMago♡ (Core Midlane)
bc.Sacred (Core Offlane)
bc.Scofield (Support Offlane)
bc.stingeR (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 34 - 73.53%
tiny Tiny: 30 - 50.00%
silencer Silencer: 23 - 78.26%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 23 - 69.57%
Favorite pairs:
silencer Silencer + mars Mars: 11 - 90.91%
rubick Rubick + mars Mars: 11 - 81.82%
rattletrap Clockwerk + mars Mars: 10 - 70.00%
Matches: 132
Winrate: 58%
GPM: 2,412
XPM: 2,852
K/D/A: 27/23/62
Main region: North America
Active roster:
EG.Pakazs (Core Safelane)
EG.C.smile < (Core Midlane)
EG.Wisper (Core Offlane)
EG.Matthew (Support Offlane)
EG.Panda (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 29 - 44.83%
silencer Silencer: 20 - 70.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 20 - 55.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 20 - 80.00%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + undying Undying: 6 - 66.67%
riki Riki + shredder Timbersaw: 5 - 100.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk + snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 124
Winrate: 63%
GPM: 2,510
XPM: 2,977
K/D/A: 27/19/62
Main region: North America
Active roster:
BetBoom.Nightfall (Core Safelane)
BetBoom.gpk~ (Core Midlane)
BetBoom.Pure~ (Core Offlane)
BetBoom.Save- (Support Offlane)
BetBoom.TORONTOTOKYO (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 22 - 59.09%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 20 - 65.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 19 - 63.16%
pugna Pugna: 19 - 78.95%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + pugna Pugna: 8 - 87.50%
tiny Tiny + death_prophet Death Prophet: 7 - 71.43%
Matches: 15
Winrate: 7%
GPM: 1,984
XPM: 2,435
K/D/A: 19/35/42
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Eternity.CarJua (Core Safelane)
ALPHA.Blessed kid (Core Safelane)
Eternity.CFY (Core Offlane)
Eternity.Moonlight (Support Offlane)
Eternity.Skyward (Support Offlane)
Eternity.Aretes (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 6 - 16.67%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker: 5 - 0.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 0.00%
marci Marci: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + marci Marci: 3 - 33.33%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker + rubick Rubick: 3 - 0.00%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker + mars Mars: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 94
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,356
XPM: 2,752
K/D/A: 24/23/58
Main region: region299
Active roster:
TSM.Timado (Core Safelane)
TSM.Bryle (Core Midlane)
TSM.kasane (Core Offlane)
TSM.Ari (Support Offlane)
TSM.Whitemon (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 24 - 66.67%
riki Riki: 15 - 60.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 14 - 57.14%
tusk Tusk: 12 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
lycan Lycan + rubick Rubick: 7 - 100.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + rubick Rubick: 5 - 60.00%
rubick Rubick + wisp Io: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 96
Winrate: 54%
GPM: 2,359
XPM: 2,801
K/D/A: 24/24/60
Main region: region299
Active roster:
XG.Ghost (Core Safelane)
PiKi.Xm (Core Midlane)
XG.JT- (Core Offlane)
XG.XinQ (Support Offlane)
XG.Dy (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mirana Mirana: 25 - 56.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 17 - 52.94%
doom_bringer Doom: 16 - 68.75%
rubick Rubick: 16 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + lion Lion: 6 - 66.67%
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 50.00%
mirana Mirana + doom_bringer Doom: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 60
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,427
XPM: 2,936
K/D/A: 26/22/61
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
AG.在你的梦里丶 (Core Safelane)
AG.Yowe (Core Midlane)
AG.db- (Core Offlane)
AG.Jhocam (Support Offlane)
AG.Varizh (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
batrider Batrider: 14 - 64.29%
pugna Pugna: 14 - 64.29%
rubick Rubick: 11 - 54.55%
tiny Tiny: 10 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + pugna Pugna: 5 - 100.00%
mirana Mirana + batrider Batrider: 4 - 100.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin + rubick Rubick: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 55
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,411
XPM: 2,855
K/D/A: 24/28/60
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
OLG.No[o]ne- (Core Safelane)
OLG.Topson (Core Midlane)
OLG.Ceb (Core Offlane)
OLG.Aramis (Support Offlane)
PC.RodjER (Support Offlane)
OLG.Kitrak (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 12 - 58.33%
leshrac Leshrac: 11 - 45.45%
enchantress Enchantress: 10 - 40.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 9 - 55.56%
Favorite pairs:
ursa Ursa + rubick Rubick: 4 - 100.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + pudge Pudge: 4 - 100.00%
leshrac Leshrac + rubick Rubick: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 62
Winrate: 52%
GPM: 2,320
XPM: 2,883
K/D/A: 24/29/58
Main region: North America
Active roster:
felt.Licht 神 (Core Safelane)
felt.Kitzz (Core Midlane)
felt.Fayde (Core Offlane)
felt.솔지xx (Support Offlane)
felt.albinozebra1 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mirana Mirana: 18 - 50.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 17 - 64.71%
pangolier Pangolier: 14 - 57.14%
disruptor Disruptor: 12 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
beastmaster Beastmaster + rubick Rubick: 5 - 60.00%
mirana Mirana + pangolier Pangolier: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,025
XPM: 2,518
K/D/A: 22/33/46
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Psquad.Rabish (Core Safelane)
Psquad.Snow- (Core Midlane)
Psquad.beautiful face (Core Midlane)
Psquad.KID- (Core Midlane)
Psquad.Satoshi- (Core Offlane)
Psquad.crawler (Support Offlane)
Psquad.eace (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 6 - 33.33%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 6 - 66.67%
mars Mars: 5 - 40.00%
rubick Rubick: 4 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
batrider Batrider + spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 3 - 66.67%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + silencer Silencer: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 137
Winrate: 61%
GPM: 2,545
XPM: 2,995
K/D/A: 25/24/61
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Tundra.skiter (Core Safelane)
Tundra.Nine (Core Midlane)
Tundra.33 (Core Offlane)
Tundra.Sneyking (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
doom_bringer Doom: 25 - 56.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 22 - 77.27%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 21 - 52.38%
mirana Mirana: 18 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + beastmaster Beastmaster: 7 - 57.14%
tiny Tiny + enigma Enigma: 6 - 66.67%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker + shredder Timbersaw: 6 - 50.00%
Matches: 50
Winrate: 30%
GPM: 2,224
XPM: 2,586
K/D/A: 20/29/44
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
UALEIKUM.Otaker (Core Safelane)
IVY.Moonlight (Core Midlane)
IVY.MikSa` (Core Offlane)
IVY.rue (Support Offlane)
IVY.jmvincento (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
leshrac Leshrac: 14 - 21.43%
mirana Mirana: 14 - 42.86%
enigma Enigma: 9 - 44.44%
tiny Tiny: 9 - 44.44%
Favorite pairs:
enigma Enigma + rattletrap Clockwerk: 4 - 75.00%
mirana Mirana + broodmother Broodmother: 4 - 50.00%
mirana Mirana + undying Undying: 4 - 0.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 18%
GPM: 1,976
XPM: 2,427
K/D/A: 21/33/52
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Tb.Gorgc (Core Safelane)
Tb.w33 (Core Midlane)
Tb.ZipZaper (Core Offlane)
Tb.PABLO (Support Offlane)
Tb.Bengan (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 7 - 14.29%
tusk Tusk: 7 - 28.57%
treant Treant Protector: 6 - 16.67%
silencer Silencer: 6 - 16.67%
Favorite pairs:
spectre Spectre + tusk Tusk: 4 - 50.00%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light + tusk Tusk: 4 - 50.00%
treant Treant Protector + tusk Tusk: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 28
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,491
XPM: 2,917
K/D/A: 28/22/68
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
neon.FortuneSoul (Core Safelane)
neon.Ken (Core Midlane)
neon.Raging-_-Potato (Core Offlane)
neon.khishka (Support Offlane)
neon.Castaway (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 11 - 54.55%
morphling Morphling: 8 - 75.00%
rubick Rubick: 8 - 50.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 6 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + undying Undying: 4 - 75.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + silencer Silencer: 4 - 50.00%
morphling Morphling + storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 62
Winrate: 39%
GPM: 2,224
XPM: 2,675
K/D/A: 23/26/53
Main region: South America
Active roster:
DRE.Kōtarō.sr4ever (Core Safelane)
Infinity.Leostyle^^! (Core Midlane)
Infinity.Devil (Core Offlane)
Infinity.Kiri < (Support Offlane)
Infinity.Prada (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 22 - 40.91%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 14 - 42.86%
snapfire Snapfire: 11 - 54.55%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 9 - 44.44%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + magnataur Magnus: 6 - 50.00%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage + abyssal_underlord Underlord: 4 - 75.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + rubick Rubick: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 74
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,310
XPM: 2,820
K/D/A: 25/25/57
Main region: North America
Active roster:
B8.V-Tune (Core Safelane)
B8.StoneBank (Core Safelane)
B8.Dendi (Core Midlane)
B8.CTOMAHEH1 (Support Offlane)
B8.Kidaro (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 19 - 31.58%
primal_beast Primal Beast: 14 - 35.71%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 12 - 33.33%
disruptor Disruptor: 9 - 55.56%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + primal_beast Primal Beast: 5 - 40.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + batrider Batrider: 5 - 40.00%
rubick Rubick + grimstroke Grimstroke: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 69
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,292
XPM: 2,792
K/D/A: 24/25/55
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Move.Munkushi~太阳 (Core Safelane)
Move.Ainkrad (Core Midlane)
Move.AfterLife (Core Offlane)
Move.pantomem (Support Safelane)
Move.Xakoda (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 16 - 43.75%
tiny Tiny: 13 - 38.46%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 13 - 61.54%
shredder Timbersaw: 12 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + mirana Mirana: 5 - 60.00%
tiny Tiny + enchantress Enchantress: 5 - 60.00%
tiny Tiny + shredder Timbersaw: 5 - 40.00%
Matches: 53
Winrate: 40%
GPM: 2,307
XPM: 2,700
K/D/A: 24/27/58
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
ITB.Supream^ (Core Midlane)
ITB.Xibbe (Core Offlane)
ITB.Merlin (Support Offlane)
ITB.RESPECT (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
batrider Batrider: 11 - 63.64%
mirana Mirana: 10 - 70.00%
techies Techies: 10 - 40.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 9 - 44.44%
Favorite pairs:
techies Techies + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 25.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + terrorblade Terrorblade: 4 - 25.00%
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 25%
GPM: 2,396
XPM: 2,867
K/D/A: 26/36/65
Main region: North America
Active roster:
GRIN.-SouL (Core Safelane)
GRIN.rohofireflu (Core Midlane)
GRIN.Moozy (Core Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
magnataur Magnus: 6 - 0.00%
batrider Batrider: 6 - 33.33%
pugna Pugna: 6 - 16.67%
shredder Timbersaw: 5 - 80.00%
Favorite pairs:
shredder Timbersaw + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 66.67%
batrider Batrider + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 66.67%
enchantress Enchantress + medusa Medusa: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 28%
GPM: 2,194
XPM: 2,699
K/D/A: 22/29/54
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
KFT.Nesfeer (Core Safelane)
MT.nattynarwhal_ (Core Midlane)
X3.bladerunner (Core Offlane)
X3.alone (Support Offlane)
MT.dark (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 9 - 33.33%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 7 - 28.57%
phoenix Phoenix: 5 - 20.00%
marci Marci: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + marci Marci: 4 - 50.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk + hoodwink Hoodwink: 4 - 25.00%
phoenix Phoenix + marci Marci: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 54
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,362
XPM: 2,772
K/D/A: 23/26/55
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Polaris.Akashi (Core Safelane)
Polaris.Mac (Core Midlane)
Polaris.ENRYU (Core Offlane)
Polaris.Boomy (Support Offlane)
Polaris.cml (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
furion Nature's Prophet: 13 - 53.85%
rubick Rubick: 11 - 36.36%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 10 - 50.00%
dark_willow Dark Willow: 10 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
riki Riki + furion Nature's Prophet: 6 - 100.00%
lich Lich + riki Riki: 4 - 100.00%
lich Lich + leshrac Leshrac: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 19
Winrate: 32%
GPM: 2,244
XPM: 2,759
K/D/A: 26/31/62
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Atl.MangO `ROSE (Core Safelane)
Atl.Wonder'boy (Core Midlane)
Atl.Ws (Core Offlane)
Atl.Sans' (Support Offlane)
Atl.ponyo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
furion Nature's Prophet: 9 - 44.44%
snapfire Snapfire: 7 - 42.86%
tiny Tiny: 7 - 42.86%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 33.33%
Favorite pairs:
furion Nature's Prophet + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny + furion Nature's Prophet: 3 - 66.67%
tiny Tiny + snapfire Snapfire: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 54
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,344
XPM: 2,755
K/D/A: 22/23/53
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Σ.YNT.Darklord^ (Core Safelane)
CC.young G (Core Midlane)
CC.DkFogas (Core Offlane)
CC.Forcemajor (Support Offlane)
Hustler .Dukalis (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
techies Techies: 15 - 20.00%
rubick Rubick: 12 - 50.00%
doom_bringer Doom: 9 - 33.33%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 9 - 33.33%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + rubick Rubick: 5 - 40.00%
morphling Morphling + techies Techies: 5 - 20.00%
doom_bringer Doom + techies Techies: 4 - 0.00%
Matches: 54
Winrate: 39%
GPM: 2,337
XPM: 2,708
K/D/A: 23/27/58
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
UDV.KNP (Core Safelane)
UDV.BEEBIE (Core Midlane)
UDV.Boombui (Support Offlane)
UDV.LionaX (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 15 - 26.67%
snapfire Snapfire: 12 - 41.67%
undying Undying: 11 - 36.36%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 45.45%
Favorite pairs:
batrider Batrider + undying Undying: 5 - 60.00%
rubick Rubick + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 20.00%
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 104
Winrate: 59%
GPM: 2,439
XPM: 2,837
K/D/A: 25/25/59
Main region: North America
Active roster:
AR.Lou (Core Safelane)
AR.Somnus (Core Midlane)
AR.chalice (Core Offlane)
AR.fy (Support Offlane)
AR.天命 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rattletrap Clockwerk: 21 - 76.19%
pangolier Pangolier: 16 - 68.75%
batrider Batrider: 15 - 73.33%
doom_bringer Doom: 14 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
rattletrap Clockwerk + terrorblade Terrorblade: 5 - 60.00%
doom_bringer Doom + silencer Silencer: 5 - 40.00%
batrider Batrider + naga_siren Naga Siren: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 59
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,355
XPM: 2,908
K/D/A: 24/30/55
Main region: China
Active roster:
Poke.small pig (Core Midlane)
Poke.Ayunid (Core Offlane)
Poke.Eren (Support Offlane)
Poke.RanFuDao (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 18 - 38.89%
doom_bringer Doom: 14 - 50.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 11 - 72.73%
tusk Tusk: 10 - 20.00%
Favorite pairs:
doom_bringer Doom + disruptor Disruptor: 6 - 83.33%
doom_bringer Doom + rubick Rubick: 6 - 16.67%
rubick Rubick + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 64
Winrate: 56%
GPM: 2,382
XPM: 2,803
K/D/A: 23/24/56
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
HYDRA.Kami (Core Safelane)
HYDRA.Worick (Core Midlane)
HYDRA.Cloud (Core Offlane)
HYDRA.LIL (Support Offlane)
HYDRA.HappyDyurara (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
beastmaster Beastmaster: 18 - 55.56%
batrider Batrider: 16 - 75.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 12 - 66.67%
enchantress Enchantress: 12 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
beastmaster Beastmaster + rubick Rubick: 6 - 66.67%
batrider Batrider + treant Treant Protector: 5 - 80.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + enchantress Enchantress: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 67
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,369
XPM: 2,783
K/D/A: 24/25/59
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Hustler .Shad (Core Safelane)
Hustler .Adzantick (Core Midlane)
Hustler .Davai Lama (Core Offlane)
Hustler .Thiolicor (Support Offlane)
Hustler .Dukalis (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mirana Mirana: 16 - 68.75%
rubick Rubick: 12 - 58.33%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 54.55%
treant Treant Protector: 10 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + void_spirit Void Spirit: 5 - 60.00%
mirana Mirana + abyssal_underlord Underlord: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 116
Winrate: 59%
GPM: 2,449
XPM: 2,887
K/D/A: 28/22/69
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TLN.23 (Core Safelane)
TLN.Mikoto (Core Midlane)
TLN.Jabz (Core Offlane)
TLN.Q (Support Offlane)
TLN.Oli~ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 25 - 60.00%
tiny Tiny: 25 - 76.00%
furion Nature's Prophet: 19 - 78.95%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 15 - 53.33%
Favorite pairs:
pugna Pugna + void_spirit Void Spirit: 7 - 71.43%
pugna Pugna + abyssal_underlord Underlord: 6 - 100.00%
tiny Tiny + furion Nature's Prophet: 6 - 100.00%
Matches: 65
Winrate: 46%
GPM: 2,339
XPM: 2,730
K/D/A: 22/23/54
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
YNT.Lukas (Core Safelane)
YNT.Egor (Core Midlane)
YNT.bb3px (Core Offlane)
YNT.Bignum (Support Offlane)
YNT.Slayer (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 20 - 60.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 15 - 46.67%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 12 - 50.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 11 - 54.55%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 66.67%
rubick Rubick + naga_siren Naga Siren: 6 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + silencer Silencer: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 160
Winrate: 70%
GPM: 2,528
XPM: 2,944
K/D/A: 24/20/59
Main region: North America
Active roster:
GG.dyrachyo (Core Safelane)
GG.Quinn (Core Midlane)
GG.Ace ♠ (Core Offlane)
GG.tOfu (Support Offlane)
GG.Seleri (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 37 - 67.57%
rubick Rubick: 36 - 83.33%
leshrac Leshrac: 21 - 76.19%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 21 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
leshrac Leshrac + wisp Io: 16 - 87.50%
rubick Rubick + pangolier Pangolier: 8 - 100.00%
Matches: 61
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,410
XPM: 2,907
K/D/A: 27/25/65
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Dog.dnm (Core Safelane)
Dog.red2 (Core Midlane)
Dog.Speeed (Core Offlane)
Dog.MoOz (Support Offlane)
Dog.Bloody Nine (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rattletrap Clockwerk: 15 - 60.00%
silencer Silencer: 12 - 83.33%
doom_bringer Doom: 10 - 50.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 10 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
doom_bringer Doom + void_spirit Void Spirit: 4 - 100.00%
magnataur Magnus + void_spirit Void Spirit: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 101
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,367
XPM: 2,828
K/D/A: 24/23/60
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Entity.医者watson` (Core Safelane)
Entity.Stormstormer (Core Midlane)
Entity.Gabbi (Core Offlane)
Entity.Kataomi` (Support Offlane)
Entity.Fishman (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
treant Treant Protector: 24 - 58.33%
rubick Rubick: 22 - 54.55%
undying Undying: 22 - 59.09%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 22 - 54.55%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + death_prophet Death Prophet: 11 - 63.64%
death_prophet Death Prophet + disruptor Disruptor: 10 - 70.00%
treant Treant Protector + disruptor Disruptor: 10 - 70.00%
Matches: 63
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,323
XPM: 2,796
K/D/A: 23/24/56
Main region: North America
Active roster:
WC.Samson (Core Safelane)
WC.RCY (Core Midlane)
WC.Sunlight (Core Offlane)
WC.Taiga (Support Offlane)
WC.Husky (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 19 - 42.11%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 12 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick: 12 - 41.67%
pangolier Pangolier: 10 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
treant Treant Protector + snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 80.00%
tiny Tiny + snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 60.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 51
Winrate: 35%
GPM: 2,214
XPM: 2,655
K/D/A: 23/30/53
Main region: North America
Active roster:
5RF.Kiritsugu' (Core Safelane)
5RF.Desperate- (Core Midlane)
5RF.Zore (Core Offlane)
5RF.Theyna (Support Offlane)
5RF.Nature Lover ♥ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 14 - 14.29%
rubick Rubick: 9 - 33.33%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 9 - 55.56%
tusk Tusk: 9 - 44.44%
Favorite pairs:
treant Treant Protector + tusk Tusk: 4 - 75.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 36
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,141
XPM: 2,695
K/D/A: 23/27/55
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
RISE.Dinozavrik (Core Safelane)
RISE.Dodren (Core Midlane)
Darkside.Dominic (Core Offlane)
RISE.Fezor (Support Offlane)
WRE.y0nd (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
ursa Ursa: 14 - 35.71%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 12 - 58.33%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 12 - 41.67%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 10 - 30.00%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + ursa Ursa: 8 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 86
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,411
XPM: 2,812
K/D/A: 23/21/58
Main region: region299
Active roster:
BLR.Raven^ (Core Safelane)
BLR.Karl (Core Midlane)
BLR.kpii (Core Offlane)
BLR.BossKu^ (Core Offlane)
BLR.TIMS (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 26 - 53.85%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 20 - 60.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 17 - 58.82%
doom_bringer Doom: 15 - 53.33%
Favorite pairs:
doom_bringer Doom + techies Techies: 6 - 83.33%
rattletrap Clockwerk + rubick Rubick: 6 - 33.33%
Matches: 49
Winrate: 37%
GPM: 2,237
XPM: 2,683
K/D/A: 23/29/53
Main region: South America
Active roster:
DRE.Kōtarō.sr4ever (Core Safelane)
DRE.Mr.Jeanssss (Core Midlane)
Ravens.Benjaz (Core Offlane)
DRE.Elmisho (Support Offlane)
DRE.Tiger (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
treant Treant Protector: 10 - 30.00%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 10 - 30.00%
tiny Tiny: 9 - 33.33%
leshrac Leshrac: 9 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
leshrac Leshrac + visage Visage: 4 - 75.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 50.00%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 53
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,310
XPM: 2,790
K/D/A: 27/27/64
Main region: North America
Active roster:
CDUB.Double King (Core Safelane)
CDUB.Mark (Core Midlane)
CDUB.islA (Core Offlane)
CDUB.Sanctified (Support Offlane)
CDUB.Duster (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 12 - 58.33%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 36.36%
legion_commander Legion Commander: 10 - 80.00%
skeleton_king Wraith King: 9 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + rubick Rubick: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 31
Winrate: 35%
GPM: 2,184
XPM: 2,627
K/D/A: 23/31/51
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Ravens.THZJM (Core Safelane)
Ravens.TaO- (Core Midlane)
Ravens.Benjaz (Core Offlane)
[U].D1smar (Support Offlane)
Ravens.Cara (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 11 - 27.27%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 8 - 50.00%
furion Nature's Prophet: 8 - 37.50%
pangolier Pangolier: 7 - 28.57%
Favorite pairs:
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + pudge Pudge: 3 - 66.67%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + snapfire Snapfire: 3 - 66.67%
beastmaster Beastmaster + snapfire Snapfire: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 58
Winrate: 45%
GPM: 2,395
XPM: 2,847
K/D/A: 25/28/60
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
ATT.Mo13ei (Core Midlane)
ATT.Alex (Support Offlane)
ATT.LeBronDota (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 12 - 41.67%
undying Undying: 12 - 41.67%
morphling Morphling: 11 - 27.27%
rubick Rubick: 10 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
rattletrap Clockwerk + snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 40.00%
morphling Morphling + dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 4 - 50.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight + rattletrap Clockwerk: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 60
Winrate: 42%
GPM: 2,209
XPM: 2,628
K/D/A: 24/24/60
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Qhali.Cucahook (Core Safelane)
Qhali.Robo-Z (Core Midlane)
Qhali.Hermit (Core Offlane)
Qhali.MonHty (Support Offlane)
Qhali.Luis (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 17 - 35.29%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 17 - 41.18%
undying Undying: 14 - 28.57%
treant Treant Protector: 13 - 53.85%
Favorite pairs:
kunkka Kunkka + snapfire Snapfire: 8 - 50.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + monkey_king Monkey King: 6 - 50.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,205
XPM: 2,675
K/D/A: 23/27/56
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
HF.XANNI (Core Safelane)
KFT.gloss of blood (Core Midlane)
NAVIj.toshiyb (Core Midlane)
HF.proletariy (Core Offlane)
HF.weebian (Support Offlane)
HF.sohy (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
treant Treant Protector: 6 - 66.67%
furion Nature's Prophet: 5 - 60.00%
rubick Rubick: 4 - 50.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 3 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
batrider Batrider + treant Treant Protector: 2 - 100.00%
phoenix Phoenix + monkey_king Monkey King: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 77
Winrate: 56%
GPM: 2,445
XPM: 2,939
K/D/A: 23/22/58
Main region: North America
Active roster:
VP.Kiritych~ (Core Safelane)
VP.squad1x (Core Midlane)
VP.Noticed (Core Offlane)
VP.sayuw (Support Offlane)
VP.Fng (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 15 - 60.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 12 - 58.33%
pugna Pugna: 11 - 90.91%
furion Nature's Prophet: 11 - 54.55%
Favorite pairs:
earthshaker Earthshaker + dark_willow Dark Willow: 6 - 100.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + pugna Pugna: 4 - 100.00%
enchantress Enchantress + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 28%
GPM: 2,240
XPM: 2,792
K/D/A: 22/31/52
Main region: China
Active roster:
TM.mmm (Core Safelane)
TM.zone- (Core Midlane)
TM.Nj (Core Offlane)
TM.Dqq (Support Offlane)
TM.rayy (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 9 - 22.22%
snapfire Snapfire: 6 - 16.67%
tusk Tusk: 4 - 0.00%
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
nevermore Shadow Fiend + rubick Rubick: 3 - 33.33%
doom_bringer Doom + rubick Rubick: 3 - 0.00%
rubick Rubick + snapfire Snapfire: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 89
Winrate: 60%
GPM: 2,422
XPM: 2,833
K/D/A: 23/20/58
Main region: region299
Active roster:
nouns.Yamsun (Core Safelane)
nouns.K1 tqmD (Core Safelane)
nouns.Gunnar (Core Midlane)
nouns.Moo (Core Offlane)
nouns.Lelis (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 16 - 62.50%
techies Techies: 14 - 71.43%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 14 - 64.29%
furion Nature's Prophet: 13 - 53.85%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + tusk Tusk: 4 - 75.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger + undying Undying: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 16
Winrate: 19%
GPM: 2,163
XPM: 2,593
K/D/A: 22/30/46
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
WRE.Palantimos (Core Safelane)
WRE.Stojkov (Core Midlane)
WRE.BNC (Core Offlane)
WRE.y0nd (Support Offlane)
UALEIKUM.Mary_y (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
enigma Enigma: 7 - 28.57%
phoenix Phoenix: 6 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick: 6 - 0.00%
tusk Tusk: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
rattletrap Clockwerk + phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 100.00%
enigma Enigma + rattletrap Clockwerk: 3 - 66.67%
enigma Enigma + phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 53
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,258
XPM: 2,646
K/D/A: 23/27/52
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Xerxia.YoungGod (Core Safelane)
Xerxia.JG (Core Midlane)
Xerxia.Rupido (Core Offlane)
Xerxia.Jaja (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 19 - 31.58%
rubick Rubick: 17 - 52.94%
doom_bringer Doom: 11 - 54.55%
tusk Tusk: 11 - 27.27%
Favorite pairs:
doom_bringer Doom + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 33.33%
Matches: 61
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,378
XPM: 2,848
K/D/A: 27/21/66
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Lava.asd (Core Safelane)
Lava.Lumpy (Core Midlane)
Lava.Arkano (Core Offlane)
Lava.Smoker (Support Offlane)
Lava.Kr1sSt娇小 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 22 - 54.55%
pangolier Pangolier: 16 - 68.75%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 13 - 61.54%
snapfire Snapfire: 12 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + pangolier Pangolier: 7 - 57.14%
rubick Rubick + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 59
Winrate: 58%
GPM: 2,333
XPM: 2,814
K/D/A: 25/26/60
Main region: South America
Active roster:
MK.Adrian < (Core Safelane)
MK.PiPi (Core Midlane)
PARK.Oscar (Core Offlane)
MK.Genek (Support Offlane)
MK.RedMonster (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 13 - 61.54%
rubick Rubick: 12 - 50.00%
earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 10 - 30.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 8 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
batrider Batrider + rubick Rubick: 5 - 80.00%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker + beastmaster Beastmaster: 3 - 100.00%
broodmother Broodmother + rubick Rubick: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 55
Winrate: 27%
GPM: 2,065
XPM: 2,418
K/D/A: 20/30/47
Main region: North America
Active roster:
ALPHA.Blessed kid (Core Safelane)
ALPHA.steel- (Core Midlane)
ALPHA.Braxie- (Support Offlane)
ALPHA.Tokaya (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 27.27%
rubick Rubick: 10 - 30.00%
undying Undying: 10 - 40.00%
abyssal_underlord Underlord: 9 - 22.22%
Favorite pairs:
undying Undying + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 40.00%
rubick Rubick + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 35
Winrate: 34%
GPM: 2,146
XPM: 2,576
K/D/A: 21/28/49
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Σ.YNT.Darklord^ (Core Safelane)
Σ.YNT.:) (Core Safelane)
Σ.YNT.foryou (Core Midlane)
Σ.YNT.kur0patbI4 (Core Offlane)
Σ.YNT.queezy小个子 (Support Offlane)
Σ.YNT.VANSKOR (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 12 - 41.67%
treant Treant Protector: 11 - 45.45%
rubick Rubick: 10 - 30.00%
marci Marci: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
treant Treant Protector + marci Marci: 5 - 60.00%
tiny Tiny + treant Treant Protector: 5 - 60.00%
tiny Tiny + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 19
Winrate: 47%
GPM: 2,325
XPM: 2,714
K/D/A: 21/26/54
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
MT.Retsu (Core Safelane)
MT.nattynarwhal_ (Core Midlane)
MT.meLes (Core Offlane)
MT.LagooNa (Support Offlane)
MT.dark (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
dark_seer Dark Seer: 6 - 66.67%
techies Techies: 6 - 66.67%
muerta Muerta: 4 - 50.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
rattletrap Clockwerk + muerta Muerta: 3 - 66.67%
queenofpain Queen of Pain + dark_seer Dark Seer: 3 - 66.67%
rattletrap Clockwerk + shredder Timbersaw: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 58
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,224
XPM: 2,608
K/D/A: 22/23/52
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Balrogs™.DCMC (Core Safelane)
Balrogs™.Ñengo (Core Midlane)
Balrogs™.Demon (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 13 - 46.15%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 11 - 54.55%
tusk Tusk: 11 - 45.45%
rubick Rubick: 11 - 36.36%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + rattletrap Clockwerk: 5 - 60.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + rubick Rubick: 4 - 75.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk + jakiro Jakiro: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 54
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,316
XPM: 2,789
K/D/A: 24/28/55
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
SPAWN.MamangDaya (Core Midlane)
SPAWN.Red.NTP (Core Offlane)
SPAWN.dalul (Support Offlane)
SPAWN.TraVins (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 15 - 40.00%
tiny Tiny: 12 - 33.33%
tusk Tusk: 11 - 45.45%
morphling Morphling: 10 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + marci Marci: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + magnataur Magnus: 4 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + tusk Tusk: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 104
Winrate: 61%
GPM: 2,527
XPM: 3,026
K/D/A: 25/22/61
Main region: North America
Active roster:
OT.TA2000 (Core Safelane)
OT.No!ob™ (Core Midlane)
OT.Tobi (Core Offlane)
OT.OmaR (Support Offlane)
OT.kaori (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 29 - 51.72%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 24 - 70.83%
techies Techies: 20 - 70.00%
phoenix Phoenix: 18 - 61.11%
Favorite pairs:
shadow_demon Shadow Demon + medusa Medusa: 7 - 85.71%
tidehunter Tidehunter + rubick Rubick: 7 - 57.14%
silencer Silencer + techies Techies: 6 - 83.33%
Matches: 31
Winrate: 35%
GPM: 1,887
XPM: 2,265
K/D/A: 16/25/39
Main region: China
Active roster:
OFC.Kry. (Core Safelane)
OFC.chosen1 (Core Midlane)
LMG.冷鸟 (Core Offlane)
OFC.cxk (Support Offlane)
LMG.出省 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 14 - 57.14%
silencer Silencer: 8 - 50.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 8 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick: 8 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
silencer Silencer + tusk Tusk: 7 - 57.14%
furion Nature's Prophet + tusk Tusk: 4 - 100.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + tusk Tusk: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 28%
GPM: 2,077
XPM: 2,544
K/D/A: 19/28/43
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Flow.无名- (Core Safelane)
Flow.Mercury- (Core Safelane)
Flow.Nevermine (Core Offlane)
Flow.TrazaM (Support Offlane)
Flow.Czy (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 7 - 14.29%
tiny Tiny: 6 - 50.00%
bristleback Bristleback: 5 - 60.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + death_prophet Death Prophet: 3 - 66.67%
mirana Mirana + bristleback Bristleback: 3 - 66.67%
death_prophet Death Prophet + pangolier Pangolier: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 42
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,327
XPM: 2,772
K/D/A: 25/23/61
Main region: China
Active roster:
Nova.冬 (Core Safelane)
Nova.Han (Core Midlane)
Nova.Kamma (Core Offlane)
Nova.sheep (Support Offlane)
Nova.Chola (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 12 - 66.67%
rubick Rubick: 9 - 55.56%
morphling Morphling: 8 - 37.50%
phoenix Phoenix: 8 - 37.50%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 100.00%
morphling Morphling + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 25.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + rubick Rubick: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 23
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,417
XPM: 3,108
K/D/A: 31/28/74
Main region: North America
Active roster:
FRT.FartSJ (Core Safelane)
FRT.iAnnihilate (Core Midlane)
FRT.Monkeys-forever (Core Offlane)
FRT.Jenkins (Core Offlane)
FRT.Newsham (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 12 - 41.67%
treant Treant Protector: 8 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny: 6 - 33.33%
furion Nature's Prophet: 4 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + magnataur Magnus: 4 - 50.00%
invoker Invoker + treant Treant Protector: 3 - 100.00%
obsidian_destroyer Outworld Destroyer + rubick Rubick: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 59
Winrate: 47%
GPM: 2,459
XPM: 2,943
K/D/A: 26/30/65
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
MAG.Meracle (Core Safelane)
MAG.xsilearn (Core Midlane)
MAG.poloson (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 16 - 50.00%
tusk Tusk: 15 - 60.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 15 - 53.33%
disruptor Disruptor: 10 - 20.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + tusk Tusk: 5 - 60.00%
rubick Rubick + pangolier Pangolier: 5 - 60.00%
terrorblade Terrorblade + pangolier Pangolier: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 16
Winrate: 38%
GPM: 2,309
XPM: 2,819
K/D/A: 28/28/63
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
OLG.No[o]ne- (Core Safelane)
OLG.Topson (Core Midlane)
OLG.Resolut1on (Core Offlane)
OLG.Ceb (Core Offlane)
OLG.Aramis (Support Offlane)
OLG.Kitrak (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 7 - 57.14%
phoenix Phoenix: 5 - 20.00%
furion Nature's Prophet: 5 - 60.00%
wisp Io: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
rubick Rubick + phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 33.33%
doom_bringer Doom + earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 61
Winrate: 36%
GPM: 2,267
XPM: 2,756
K/D/A: 23/27/55
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Darkside.k8t (Core Safelane)
Darkside.Nicky`Cool (Core Midlane)
Darkside.Dominic (Core Offlane)
Darkside.OneJey (Support Offlane)
Darkside.SoNNeikO (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
beastmaster Beastmaster: 10 - 50.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 10 - 60.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 10 - 20.00%
tiny Tiny: 9 - 33.33%
Favorite pairs:
enigma Enigma + spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 4 - 50.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + disruptor Disruptor: 4 - 50.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + dark_seer Dark Seer: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 36
Winrate: 39%
GPM: 2,306
XPM: 2,774
K/D/A: 24/29/59
Main region: South America
Active roster:
x5.shroud (Core Safelane)
x5.Ryu (Core Midlane)
x5.tavo (Core Offlane)
x5.LTH (Support Offlane)
x5.wij (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rattletrap Clockwerk: 9 - 33.33%
techies Techies: 9 - 55.56%
mirana Mirana: 7 - 42.86%
shredder Timbersaw: 7 - 42.86%
Favorite pairs:
witch_doctor Witch Doctor + techies Techies: 3 - 66.67%
puck Puck + rattletrap Clockwerk: 3 - 33.33%
rattletrap Clockwerk + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 36
Winrate: 67%
GPM: 2,398
XPM: 2,954
K/D/A: 25/21/59
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Sexy.7jesu (Core Safelane)
Sexy.Mirage` (Core Midlane)
Sexy.nefrit (Core Offlane)
Sexy.9Class (Support Offlane)
Sexy.Till the end (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
monkey_king Monkey King: 13 - 69.23%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 8 - 87.50%
visage Visage: 7 - 42.86%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 6 - 83.33%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + beastmaster Beastmaster: 3 - 100.00%
lich Lich + monkey_king Monkey King: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 16
Winrate: 13%
GPM: 2,083
XPM: 2,485
K/D/A: 19/36/44
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
TT.Trill (Core Safelane)
TT.Ф (Core Midlane)
TT.Valky~ (Core Midlane)
TT.seimei (Core Offlane)
QWE.элэвэн (Core Offlane)
TT.Tsukimoto (Support Offlane)
TT.мүди (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 6 - 16.67%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 20.00%
doom_bringer Doom: 4 - 25.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + disruptor Disruptor: 3 - 33.33%
doom_bringer Doom + rubick Rubick: 3 - 33.33%
rubick Rubick + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 38
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,478
XPM: 3,002
K/D/A: 29/24/68
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
QWE.423 (Core Safelane)
QWE.sanctity- (Core Midlane)
QWE.элэвэн (Core Offlane)
QWE.αce (Support Offlane)
QWE.Se (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 9 - 44.44%
rubick Rubick: 9 - 33.33%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 7 - 28.57%
tusk Tusk: 7 - 57.14%
Favorite pairs:
furion Nature's Prophet + tusk Tusk: 5 - 80.00%
disruptor Disruptor + tusk Tusk: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 44
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,311
XPM: 2,778
K/D/A: 22/24/57
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
NAVIj.gotthejuice (Core Safelane)
NAVIj.toshiyb (Core Midlane)
NAVIj.pma (Core Offlane)
NAVIj.daze (Support Offlane)
NAVIj.Riddys (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
techies Techies: 10 - 40.00%
batrider Batrider: 10 - 50.00%
mirana Mirana: 10 - 50.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 10 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
dragon_knight Dragon Knight + disruptor Disruptor: 6 - 33.33%
mirana Mirana + naga_siren Naga Siren: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + naga_siren Naga Siren: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 30
Winrate: 60%
GPM: 2,336
XPM: 2,779
K/D/A: 24/22/57
Main region: China
Active roster:
PiKi.flyfly (Core Safelane)
PiKi.Xm (Core Midlane)
PiKi.Ava阿发 (Core Offlane)
PiKi.Mercy (Support Offlane)
PiKi.Frisk (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
beastmaster Beastmaster: 8 - 75.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 6 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 6 - 83.33%
tiny Tiny: 6 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + beastmaster Beastmaster: 3 - 100.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + slark Slark: 3 - 66.67%
beastmaster Beastmaster + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 29%
GPM: 2,239
XPM: 2,711
K/D/A: 23/33/58
Main region: South America
Active roster:
PARK.JP (Core Safelane)
PARK.lalatronii < (Core Midlane)
NLG.drakesh1t 吉幸 (Core Offlane)
NLG.Zxca (Support Offlane)
NLG.CHAAANNN (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 7 - 28.57%
monkey_king Monkey King: 5 - 40.00%
rubick Rubick: 5 - 60.00%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
monkey_king Monkey King + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 66.67%
monkey_king Monkey King + snapfire Snapfire: 2 - 50.00%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 48
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,313
XPM: 2,721
K/D/A: 22/27/52
Main region: China
Active roster:
TeBr.Hea2t. (Core Safelane)
TeBr.phoenix (Core Midlane)
TeBr.Irving (Core Offlane)
TeBr.imitator (Support Offlane)
TeBr.Undyne_ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
disruptor Disruptor: 11 - 54.55%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 45.45%
pangolier Pangolier: 10 - 40.00%
lich Lich: 8 - 62.50%
Favorite pairs:
shadow_demon Shadow Demon + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 75.00%
disruptor Disruptor + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 50.00%
lich Lich + monkey_king Monkey King: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 45
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,477
XPM: 3,002
K/D/A: 26/25/68
Main region: China
Active roster:
1.Summer (Core Safelane)
1.GaN- (Core Midlane)
1.dolme (Core Offlane)
1.Dqq (Support Offlane)
1.sj (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rattletrap Clockwerk: 12 - 58.33%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 12 - 75.00%
silencer Silencer: 9 - 44.44%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 9 - 55.56%
Favorite pairs:
beastmaster Beastmaster + dark_willow Dark Willow: 6 - 83.33%
beastmaster Beastmaster + oracle Oracle: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,171
XPM: 2,588
K/D/A: 23/29/52
Main region: China
Active roster:
孤独摇滚.Bigcan (Core Safelane)
孤独摇滚.Dstones- (Core Midlane)
孤独摇滚.Rea1 (Core Midlane)
T.yyyy (Core Offlane)
孤独摇滚.wenhao (Support Offlane)
孤独摇滚.Bocchi (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
mirana Mirana: 8 - 62.50%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 5 - 40.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + tiny Tiny: 4 - 50.00%
mirana Mirana + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 3 - 66.67%
mirana Mirana + doom_bringer Doom: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 40
Winrate: 40%
GPM: 2,281
XPM: 2,585
K/D/A: 22/23/54
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
UALEIKUM.Otaker (Core Safelane)
UALEIKUM.Bekzhan (Support Offlane)
UALEIKUM.Mary_y (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 11 - 36.36%
doom_bringer Doom: 10 - 50.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 9 - 44.44%
disruptor Disruptor: 9 - 44.44%
Favorite pairs:
enigma Enigma + treant Treant Protector: 5 - 80.00%
doom_bringer Doom + rubick Rubick: 5 - 40.00%
batrider Batrider + rubick Rubick: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 24
Winrate: 54%
GPM: 2,426
XPM: 2,909
K/D/A: 25/24/60
Main region: South America
Active roster:
[U].DaaD- (Core Safelane)
[U].James- (Core Midlane)
[U].Lissex (Core Offlane)
[U].D1smar (Support Offlane)
[U].Austin (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
dark_seer Dark Seer: 6 - 66.67%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 6 - 33.33%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 6 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick: 6 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + slark Slark: 4 - 75.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk + dark_seer Dark Seer: 4 - 50.00%
lich Lich + slark Slark: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 12%
GPM: 2,015
XPM: 2,370
K/D/A: 15/30/32
Main region: China
Active roster:
LMG.Rain pause (Core Safelane)
LMG.冷鸟 (Core Offlane)
LMG.出省 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 6 - 0.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 5 - 0.00%
magnataur Magnus: 4 - 0.00%
medusa Medusa: 4 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + void_spirit Void Spirit: 3 - 0.00%
medusa Medusa + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 0.00%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit + silencer Silencer: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 19
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,573
XPM: 3,010
K/D/A: 25/27/65
Main region: South America
Active roster:
PARK.JP (Core Safelane)
PARK.JimPark (Core Safelane)
PARK.lalatronii < (Core Midlane)
PARK.Oscar (Core Offlane)
PARK. slad1n- (Support Offlane)
PARK.accelgd (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pugna Pugna: 6 - 33.33%
medusa Medusa: 6 - 50.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 6 - 66.67%
rubick Rubick: 6 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 66.67%
pugna Pugna + rubick Rubick: 3 - 66.67%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 71%
GPM: 2,474
XPM: 2,894
K/D/A: 26/18/60
Main region: China
Active roster:
T. YSR-04E (Core Safelane)
T.EchozZ (Core Midlane)
T.yyyy (Core Offlane)
T.Shining (Core Offlane)
T.NORMAL END (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
tidehunter Tidehunter: 5 - 40.00%
batrider Batrider: 5 - 60.00%
techies Techies: 4 - 75.00%
morphling Morphling: 4 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
tidehunter Tidehunter + batrider Batrider: 4 - 50.00%
magnataur Magnus + void_spirit Void Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
queenofpain Queen of Pain + void_spirit Void Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 31
Winrate: 71%
GPM: 2,570
XPM: 3,002
K/D/A: 28/21/63
Main region: China
Active roster:
Tz.Cty (Core Safelane)
Tz.7e (Core Midlane)
Tz.Beyond (Core Offlane)
Tz.ICEICE (Support Offlane)
Tz.zzq (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
batrider Batrider: 8 - 100.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 6 - 83.33%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 6 - 83.33%
earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 5 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
batrider Batrider + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 100.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + pangolier Pangolier: 3 - 66.67%
windrunner Windranger + void_spirit Void Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 18%
GPM: 2,193
XPM: 2,528
K/D/A: 19/26/43
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
KFT.Nesfeer (Core Safelane)
KFT.gloss of blood (Core Midlane)
KFT.klassnokruto (Core Offlane)
KFT.nrink (Support Offlane)
KFT.asdekor_r (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pugna Pugna: 5 - 0.00%
undying Undying: 4 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 4 - 0.00%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + pugna Pugna: 3 - 0.00%
undying Undying + primal_beast Primal Beast: 2 - 100.00%
dark_seer Dark Seer + undying Undying: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 26
Winrate: 58%
GPM: 2,458
XPM: 2,929
K/D/A: 27/22/62
Main region: North America
Active roster:
USA.boris (Core Safelane)
USA.MTD (Core Midlane)
USA.Lil_Nick (Core Offlane)
USA.Giant (Support Offlane)
USA.emp (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
shredder Timbersaw: 8 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick: 8 - 50.00%
visage Visage: 5 - 80.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + void_spirit Void Spirit: 4 - 50.00%
lion Lion + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 100.00%
naga_siren Naga Siren + phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 66.67%